Interesting Talk by the CO today

by bronzefist 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • bronzefist

    Thought I would share some notes I took from a talk the CO gave at the hall I attended today for the last time.

    The talk was entitled ?Act wisely in a Senseless World.

    The gist of the talk was that we are being conned by everyone in this system of things.

    No mention of anyone in the organization doing this.

    ?Are we willing victims??

    He equated victims to terrorists. Those who justify their actions because they feel they have been wronged. Thereby doing what they will to gain justice for the wrong.

    Then he mentioned that many have been abused by priests and consider themselves victims. Yet they were a part of that church so they could be considered willing victims.

    He made no mention of abuse within the organization.

    Instead he went on to say we need Humility to except the direction of the FDS and the WTS publications. And the Source of that direction Jehovah and his word the Bible. We have to attend all the meetings and Listen to what we are being taught. Not to question anything,. Otherwise we would be willing victims of Satan?s con game.

    Then he mentioned we are NO part of the world. We would be sinning against Jehovah if we were to be involved in any way with trying to influence current events or trying to persuade against unjust government actions... No mention NGO involvement.

    When on to say immoral behavior is all

    Yadda yadda yadda about materialism. And everyone?s favorite closing line.

    ?Time is of the essence! There is NO time left.?

  • bronzefist

    Went on to say immoral behavior is all

    Lost this part for some reason.

  • frankiespeakin


    Instead he went on to say we need Humility to except the direction of the FDS and the WTS publications. And the Source of that direction Jehovah and his word the Bible. We have to attend all the meetings and Listen to what we are being taught. Not to question anything,. Otherwise we would be willing victims of Satan?s con game.

    I think that his saying that will make people think and be suspicious. Thanks for the report.

  • purplesofa
    Then he mentioned that many have been abused by priests and consider themselves victims. Yet they were a part of that church so they could be considered willing victims.

    That is so wrong...................I almost cannot believe he said that. The more I think about it the madder I get.

    That is showing just how screwed up the mentality is. Who decided they are willing victims.......I know my stomach would have turned if had heard this talk.......And it is little statements like that, over time that allowed me to get out.


  • blondie
  • frankiespeakin

    Come all you loyal JW lurkers what do you think of that are you going to stand for a CO to tell you not to think for yourself and just do what ever those old men in control at bethel tell you to do,,doesn't that sound the least bit fishy to you???

    Doesn't that sound just a little bit to brainwashy to you,, or what?!!!

  • bronzefist

    The humility and listen part was because people have heard about inter-organization abuse and this will diffuse it somewhat.Admitting it's been a problem, but it has been taken care of. Yet not coming out and saying it.

    The willing victims of abuse because they attended a "worldly" church is typical JW teaching in a way because we are taught that we suffer the consequences of our actions. Alluded to in this talk.

    Lost t he part where he blamed an ABC program for imoral behaviour. You know which one.

  • bronzefist

    Hey Blondie I almost did fall asleep. Except I've been having problems with a brother at this hall that screwed me over while working for him. The last comments the CO made was to personnaly praise this brother and suggest that anyone having a problem with him to take it to Jehovah in prayer.Been inactive for over 2 years. Now I am even more so.

  • blondie

    BF, I was just telling my husband how great it was not to have to go to another boring public talk. CO or not, this sounds like SOBS.

    I guess based on his reasoning JWs should leave the organization when they realize that the WTS policy conceals pedophiles.

    Blondie (already gone)

  • hamsterbait

    An "Elder" in my circuit abused several children, whilst giving them "upbuilding companionship" at his home. Several families left da troof over that.

    One sister went out finding victims for her child abusing husband so he wouldn't do it to her babies.


    1 are willing victims as members of the Borg.

    2 are true victims.

    A young underaged baptised girl approached the elders because she had been abused. The "brother" concerned denied it. She was disfellowshipped for confessing to improper behavior. HE WAS LEFT IN HIS POSITION!!!

    Go figure...


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