Thought I would share some notes I took from a talk the CO gave at the hall I attended today for the last time.
The talk was entitled ?Act wisely in a Senseless World.
The gist of the talk was that we are being conned by everyone in this system of things.
No mention of anyone in the organization doing this.
?Are we willing victims??
He equated victims to terrorists. Those who justify their actions because they feel they have been wronged. Thereby doing what they will to gain justice for the wrong.
Then he mentioned that many have been abused by priests and consider themselves victims. Yet they were a part of that church so they could be considered willing victims.
He made no mention of abuse within the organization.
Instead he went on to say we need Humility to except the direction of the FDS and the WTS publications. And the Source of that direction Jehovah and his word the Bible. We have to attend all the meetings and Listen to what we are being taught. Not to question anything,. Otherwise we would be willing victims of Satan?s con game.
Then he mentioned we are NO part of the world. We would be sinning against Jehovah if we were to be involved in any way with trying to influence current events or trying to persuade against unjust government actions... No mention NGO involvement.
When on to say immoral behavior is all
Yadda yadda yadda about materialism. And everyone?s favorite closing line.
?Time is of the essence! There is NO time left.?