What is you favorite all time movie scene [s]?

by AK - Jeff 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sparkplug
    apostate sons of the devil.................

    Did I miss this movie?

    Brownboy is that you?

  • PopeOfEruke

    What movie is that from? I must have missed it!

    The Pope

  • Sparkplug
  • Markfromcali

    All this spam does remind me of another movie scene, from Enter the Dragon when Williams starts fighting Mr. Han:

    "Man, you come right out of a comic book!"

  • Sparkplug
  • notperfectyet

    Come on dude, it's only the middle of the month, get your pioneering in knocking on doors.

    It's monday, no one will be home...you got at least 8 hours coming to you. Mcdonalds has good salads now.


    But Burger King is better. The Caesar hot chicken is awesome.

    (editted to say I did laught alot..is that still allowed???)

  • bisous

    NPY, he survives on *spam*

  • Markfromcali

    It is said, man must not live on spam alone...

  • Alwayshere

    Jehoshua1914, Since you seem to know so much, where did the JWs read Jerusalem was desolated in 607? That was an important event in History and you should be able to prove from the Bible or at least go to encyclopedias or the Library and find information on this. The only way we have of knowing what happened in the past is from History. Another question I have is: Why does that organization lie and then claim to be God's organization? They say they never prophesied in God's name but check the Awake[inside cover] from March 1988-October 1995 it says:"the CREATOR PROMISES a peacefull and secure new world BEFOER the generation that SAW the events of 1914 passes away." Do you think God lied? I don't but that organization did. If God promises something he keeps his word. I could list a dozen and a lot more lies but if this doesn't prove to you,that you are in a cult then let them keep telling you what you have to do and believe. That organization is doing what they claim other religions are doing and that is taking the right of "freedom of speech" away from their people.The Awake July 22, 1996 stated: Freedom-loving people are hard pressed to understand why some goverments and religions would with hold this freedom from their people. It is a denial of a basic human right and MANY PEOPLE THROUGH THE WORLD SUFFER UNDER SUPPRESSION OF THIS FREEDOM." I typed the last part big because it fits that cult you are in.You do not have the right to free speech in that organization because if you qeestion anything they teach you are labeled an Apostate and loose you family and those you thought were your friends.

  • Es

    Yes i must agree with curlygirl the end scene of Roman Holiday is good. The scene in titanic where Rose and Jack are "flying" at the front of the ship is another one of my fav."Romeo and Juliet" the scene where they get married, the scene at the end of "Never Been Kissed" where Drew Barrymore is waiting for Michael Vartan to come and kiss her. Im such a romantic es

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