cigarettes, alcohol and drugs

by rye 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kls

    Rye ,the answer to all your questions are yes. Harsh ? it is more like demeaning in the jw world.

  • talesin
    For example, if you are a JW parent whose 13-14 year old child smokes cigarettes or comes home on drugs/drunk one day, is the parent supposed to report this to the Kingdom Hall so that the child can be "publically reproved?"

    YES. And if the child is baptized, and judged unrepentant, they may be 'disfellowshipped' by the 'elders'. This means they are dead to the congregation, and will be shunned.

    By law, the parents must keep them home until they are legal (usually 18), but on that day, are expected to kick the child out and shun them until they return to the JoHos.

    Harsh is one word for it ... there are others ...


  • love2Bworldly

    Yes those supposed 'true Christians', instead of trying to help family members and friends by referring them to counseling or medical help or maybe giving their kids the time and attention they crave, they reprove, disfellowship, shun, judge, and turn their backs on them. This behavior is supposed to shame people into repenting and returning to the JW religion. It's very unloving and very unChristian behavior.

  • rye

    "YES. And if the child is baptized, and judged unrepentant, they may be 'disfellowshipped' by the 'elders'. This means they are dead to the congregation, and will be shunned.

    By law, the parents must keep them home until they are legal (usually 18), but on that day, are expected to kick the child out and shun them until they return to the JoHos.

    Harsh is one word for it ... there are others ... "

    Wow. I can see that they might advocate this sort of attitude towards teenage drug users and alcoholics (not that I agree with them - I don't), but that something as minor as being a teen smoker would qualify as a reason to get kicked out of the house pretty much boggles my mind.

    If you are a child of a JW and you "dead" to the congregation, does that mean you're not allowed to attend the Kingdom Hall anymore?

    I looked around the board a bit, and it doesn't seem like there are a whole lot of JW's on this site.

  • kls
    If you are a child of a JW and you "dead" to the congregation, does that mean you're not allowed to attend the Kingdom Hall anymore?

    I looked around the board a bit, and it doesn't seem like there are a whole lot of JW's on this site.

    First question is yes unless you show you have changed your ways and repent to the all mighty elders.

    Second questions is most here are exjws and some are still in because of family.

  • JH
    and some are still in because of family.

    And some are still in because they are nuts.....

  • talesin

    {{JH}} it's not easy, give yrself a break, kay?


    Here is a thread started by jgnat just for you, and others who may be new to the site.

  • talesin

    Here's the link , ,

    Hope you find it helpful.


  • GetBusyLiving

    I used to think that most regular people on the "outside" drank as much as my JW friends and acquaintances when I was in. Now that I'm out I can see how warped many of their habits with alcohol were. Alcohol is a crutch for many witnesses. It's the only out for them and a cheap escape from the guilt imposed by that religion.

    My drinking was through the roof at one point and I couldn't understand what was happening to me. Since I've left for good everything has just changed - the people I hang out with don't even really drink and I just don't feel like drinking much at all! Drinking alcohol really is different than in the general public for the JW's that I knew.


  • rye

    I did find it helpful and am checking out a lot of the links right now - thanks.

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