I keep JWD up at work all day. I frequent this site throughout the day. When I get home at night, the last thing I want to do is look at a computer screen. I quess what I'm asking is does anyone else here have a job? ;) It just seems that thier are a lot of the same people signed on about the same time I am and I was just wondering if they too are at work or at home?
Are you posting from your job?
by jt stumbler 31 Replies latest jw friends
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I do nearly all of my posting from work. There's not usually a whole hell of a lot to do around here..
i do...my boss actually caught me the other day... i didn't know he was standing behind me and all of a sudden he said, What kind of discussion board are you looking at?
< me.....errrr...ummmmmmm...an ex jehovah's witness support group...
he was like, Really?! they have support groups for ex jw's? cool!
i consider myself lucky!!!!
luv, kitty
Of course
My computer is down right now (has been for the last year!), so yup the only time I can post is from work. Sometimes, it makes me mad because I miss some of the good threads that are jumping in the evening. haha
Yes, I post almost exclusively from work. I have a crazy boss who does not allow us to do much work, so we all entertain ourselves on the internet.
heck yes
Just listen to your heart. That's what I do.- Napolean Dynamite
Yes I am ashamed to say that the Californians' tax dollars are paying my paycheck while I play on the Internet all day Monday through Friday. It's not my fault--I have told everyone that I need more work including my boss and no one is listening. Oh well, so I view this as my research for my future endeavors, which include anti-Witnessing.