The more the Governing Body warnsabout the dangers of the Internet the wors

by frankiespeakin 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • sf

    I mean, think about the dynamics of it...

    Loyal, dedicated/ baptized jws logging in willfully and with no gun to their head, in their private home and associating in a jw chatroom THAT WAS CREATED BY THE APOSTATES IN THE FIRST PLACE, AS LURE [yet even knowing this, they still come and stay] that is mostly occupied by non jws, disfellowshipped, inactive, apostate, etc. ones.

    Why do so many do this and why are many others NOT doing it?

    sKally, googler Klass

  • frankiespeakin

    The internet weakening and killing mind control viruses. If you let it.

  • DanTheMan

    I think that in the minds of older borg JW's, the internet might as well be a picket sign carrying apostate at a district convention. The WTS has succeeded in their propaganda campaign with them. But as itsallgoodnow brought out in her comments, I don't think it holds up as well with the younger generation, who has seen that the internet for what it is - a valuable source of information, and so it's not such a big scary thing to them.

  • ivy

    They have as much chance of stopping the use of the internet as they have getting everyone to give up their cars. Kids are required to use the internet in school these days. They must be terrified knowing that all that information is right there, just a click away.
    I question how seriously JW's are taking the warnings though. My father is an elder, and he uses the internet on a regular basis. (I won't tell you what sites I pulled up in his cache, because that's between him and his god). I didn't even know that they were warning against it until I joined the forum.

  • Quotes

    ivy said:
    I didn't even know that they were warning against it until I joined the forum.

    Just in case there are any other lurkers out there, feel free to educate yourself on all the "delightful, correct words of truth" that WTS has printed to demonize the internet:

    ~Quotes, of the "shameful plug" class

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Tonight my sister and I were talking and she says that when our Mother found out that there was a JWMatch.Com site, she got upset and said that that wasn't right, that that was not the proper way to meet a mate, that that should be done by going to other kingdom halls, or to the conventions. My sister TOLD her that when young girls when to other congregations, that everyone knew what they were up to, and it made them look desperate. Hehehhe.

    Our Mom said that the Internet was dangerous, blah blah blah. However, our Mother is on the Internet alot, but she just avoids the alleged apostate sites and sticks with informational sites regarding her hobbies. She's hard-line, black and white, and whatever the GB says, that's the TRUFE and she's stickin to it, no matter how much the evidence points the other way.


  • frankiespeakin

    The Internet has become an almost indespensible tool in many regions of the world, I think it's use will keep growing, and only the most brain dead JW will avoid it which may be a very small percentage (10%?).

    The most dangerous things about the internet in reguard to the GB exposer as frauds are the court cases and the records that are available on the net, the Anderson's lawsuits not withstanding especially the one count of malicious "fraud" if the GB(the defendants) are convicted and the recorded court proceedings are public record, you will see mega damage done to the image of the GB among the rank and file which will bring about many other lawsuits because of many people leaving the WT, would like to get a piece of the pie including lawyers who see this as a major cash cow.

    It looks like the GB have built a house of cards who's foundation can not take much more pressure from any more building.

  • kgfreeperson

    This morning, while I was working in my garden, and thinking about the plants I had to protect from the proliferation of other plants, I thought "how can anyone who gardens not understand the ideas of selection and adaptation--cornerstones of evolutionary theory?"

    Do you suppose we have cut ourselves off so completely from reality that we actually think we can impose our theories on nature rather than vice versa? That we can make a myth true by the strength of our belief?

    If so, the internet, the mother of all mediators, is probably not our savior. As we get more and more able to talk only to people who agree with us, we see everyone else as "the other" and basically either wrong or insignificant.

    At any rate, I am constantly amazed at the ability of human beings to delude themselves and to participate in their own oppression.

    Did anyone hear Fresh Air Wednesday?

    Chilling. I wish I were more hopeful.

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