I drive by a KH every morning after I drop my son off at his baby sitter. The thought enters my mind ever day to actually stop in just before the meeting started. Not to disrupt things, mind you. Just go in and see what happens.
What would happen if...
by Raoul 9 Replies latest jw friends
Raoul... go for it. But remember, they are very convincing and very destructive, put up every barrier that you possibly can mate.
I drive by my old Hall almost every other day, and I look for a moment and turn my head away. I won't even allow myself to feel longings for that place anymore.... although it is a battle because I am the type of person to remember the good times , and miss them and forget the evil done to me. Don't worry thou,,,,, I am getting better at that.....hehe.
Why not. Just don't give them any true info. I think it's great to visit different churches, temples, mosques, etc.
I might just do that one day. I've seen posts that say JW's meet 3x's a week. Is it 2x's on Sunday, and a mid-week or ???
While I'm at it, all of the KH's I have seen have been void of windows. What is the logic behind that?
If anyone cares, I have updated my bio.
Each congregation meets once on the weekend and twice during the week (usually Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 7:30pm).
If more than one congregation shares the hall - as is usually the case - then each of those congregations does the same thing.
Add to that, meetings for field service. Those are usually held at 9am during the week - especially Wednesday.
If you decided to go in, prepare to be Love-Bombed.
btw: Welcome to JWD.
Hi Raoul
I visited a Kingdom Hall once - in March 2005 for the memorial service. The family I accompanied thought I would be impressed with the warmth and friendliness. It was a strange experence for someone brought up a catholic then adventist.
Lots of tactile false affection. A room full of uniform people with uniform conversation. I had the same conversation with three different people. I looked up the subject they hard selling in their chat in my Bible that night. They wanted it to be true so much I was very suspicious. I found that the point they were trying to make had no Scriptural support, but was crucial for their FDS doctrine.
The worst thing for me was that on the day we should have remembered Jesus and his ransom sacrifice, they just hero-worshiped the faithful and discreet slave, although Jesus got a mention too. Even the text of the day was about the leadership/FDS, not about Jesus. Having been brought up on the Bible, it didn't take me long to recognise that although I dont believe the anti christ was in the room, I was listening to nice folks unwittingly looking up to a false Messiah - I thought of Luke 21:8 when Jesus warned : Take care not to be deceived, because many will come using my name and saying I am the one and THE TIME IS NEAR AT HAND. Refuse to join them!
Welcome Raoul.
Nice to have you here. I also advise that you keep in mind the love-bombing and that you will be asked to begin a free home bible study plan. You will not be studying a bible, but entering into a cleverly deceptive indoctrination into an organization that masquerades as a religion.
although I dont believe the anti christ was in the room, I was listening to nice folks unwittingly looking up to a false Messiah -
Jaffacake,When a "religion" takes on the name of Christ (Jehovah'Witnesses now known as the Congregation of Jehovah's Christian Witnesses), then it darn well better be followers of Jesus.
The CCJW does not honor the birth or the resurrection of Christ, (his resurrection is the whole crux of the proof of his victory over death) and the "memorial" is a disgusting and pathetic pretense to what Jesus gave for ALL mankind, not just a few JWs!
Jesus said to "do unto others" and to have compassion for the hungry and the needy among us. The WTS does not believe in contributing to anything BUT the WTS and frowns on doing anything to help people other than to place their literature and start studies.
These are just a few examples that come to mind. (I won't even go into how the WTS purposely destroys families on a regular basis) How do the JWs, the CCJW, or the WTS even come CLOSE to following Jesus teachings? In my estimation---I am firmly convinced that they ARE the Antichrist, or at least one of them! I can't see it any other way!
I'm speaking of the organization the individual JWs belong to, worship, and are being duped by, not these unfortunate people as such.
Thank you Annie, I agree with all you say. The point I was making was that I am not convinced the anti-Christ was in the room, in other words although I believe the JW leadership may be the anti-Christ (which I believe to be a type not an individual) it is just possible that the local congregation elders are unwitting participants. I am trying not to judge the individuals I met, and giving the benefit of doubt.