of corse 30-40 years takes us to the time of the lead up to and including the 1975 debacle
Did anyone ever notice just how many 30-40 year escapees there are?
by AK - Jeff 38 Replies latest jw friends
AK - Jeff
Amazing similarities in so many of the comments!
As I look back, coupled with the 'empty nest', and bad mistreatment that we had on many occasions, the bait and switch on 1914 Generation was probably the kicker that started us thinking.
One poster commented on how there was a delayed reaction to that - mine was. I was troubled by it, and confused that no one else seemed to be. But it was really several years later b4 it fully hit me.
What really bothered me was when I came to the realization then, that I had lied to thousands of people about the 'proof' that we had to be deep in the last days, that proof was all tied up in the 1914 Generation. To me it felt a little like climbing through a mountain tunnel toward the light, and after years of effort, finding that the light was just smoke and mirrors set to decieve. And others were now in the tunnel with me due to the lies I had unitentionally told them.
AK - Jeff
I am bumping this topic only because I found it interesting and I actually met the couple Randy posted about. Very nice couple. I directed Lois to this topic and thought others might enjoy reading.
I am in the specified age range myself. After being a married man, working like a dog to support my family, having children, ect.., you gain experience and perspective. After you grow up and face life ( which most JW kids don't do) you learn to be a man. You learn what it means to work, and have pride in yourself. The WTBTS is all about constantly reminding you that you have nothing good in yourself. Anything good about you is from GOD via his " undeserved kindness " (tm) through the GB.
You learn to spot the fakers. Those guys who kiss A** in the Org. The 19 year old MS who lives at home, while the Elders are telling YOU to go in service more. That kid aint worked a day in his life.. Then there is the 25-30 year old Elders, your peers who are no different than you, except they have family in positions of leadership. You "reach out" for years, you are THERE no matter what. Then you realize that consisitency does not really matter, spirituality does not matter, only organization requirements and networking matter.
For me, I knew something was off for quite a while. I don't know if you buy into it, but I am an INTJ-type. So I tend to think for a long, long time and then act. So the "off" teachings combined with the hypocrisy and just being fed up with the ever-changing doctrine did it for me. An alarm did go off when the overlapping thing happened. I kinds knew before that. Also, the Internet was a huge factor. It is nearly impossible to learn TTATT with the level of information control in the WTBTS.
LoisLane looking for Superman
Interesting read.
I wish everyone would honestly look at the facts and wake up.
Just Lois
Actually it was never the WTS that bothered me.
It was a book:
"How to Read the Bible" - James Kugel.
The book was not put out to refute the bible. It was put of to show how modern schloors read the texts. Seeing for the first time for instance that part of Genesis 8 is WORD PER WORD the same as the Epic of Gilgamesh did me in.
If the bible is wrong evolution is true! I want 100% proof. I went on the internet that night to see if there was anything close.
I discovered Restroviruses... Chromosome #2 etc.
There it was. I spent tha next 2 years studying the bible along with acheology and other texts in the same region.
Then I spent a year putting my research on YouTube.
I guess the real answer for me is the internet however it was REALITY actually.
On a side note I appreciate the bible more now knowing its religious propaganda of the acient Judeans
Maybe a combination of baby-boomer demographics, period of WT growth and changeover of policies / crack-downs as the internet arrived.
I walked away after 42 years. Cognitive dissonance brought me to the brink of insanity. I lived in a "divided household" for over 30 years with my husband who I was taught was an "apostate", my daughter walked out the door with no prior announcement the day she turned 18 and my son was disfellowshipped following a suicide attempt. I suffered from PTSD and severe clinical depression for decades.
In mid-May of 2011, I was sitting at the KH for the service meeting, and something snapped. They were droning on about how we had to do more in the ministry, because so many people were going to die. I thought, "If one more person tells me my kids are going to die. . ." I spent the next 6 weeks on the couch (Hubby thought nothing of it; he was used to seeing my couch dwelling.) going through all the doctrinal changes and increase of control over the years in my mind, from 1968 'til then. I knew the over-lapping generation doctrine was crap the moment I heard it. I thought about all the people and families that I personally knew that had been irrevocably harmed by the WTBS.
I was drawn to the WT at am early age, because I longed for a happy family. They promised me a happy family life, and now they were destroying my family. They were destroying me. I loved my husband and I loved my kids. I was done.
I am so thankful that both of my children have accepted my apologies, stating that they always knew I did everything out of love. I think Hubby is still in shock.