Circuit Overseer visit ---- Why do we have to change the meeting schedule??

by catchthis 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • catchthis

    This has always been a personal thorn in my side for years upon years. Let's say that your meetings took place on Monday-Wednesday and that other congregations had the Tuesday-Thursday slot. Let's also assume that you just happened to go to the Mon-Wed meetings due to personal circumstances and that Tue-Thur meetings were not possible.

    Now here comes da man on his bi-yearly visit. All of a sudden, every congregation that meets at the hall needs to rearrange their normal meeting times. What used to be your bookstudy on Monday is now on Tuesday. What used to be your Service Meeting on Wednesday is now on Thursday. Not to mention the other congregations having to switch their schedules to Mon-Wed now too!

    Why couldn't the CO adjust his schedule to fit the congregation's? 700+ people(we had 4 congos with almost 200 in each) would have to adjust their schedule, but not him? This is what always got to me, even when I was a hardcore jdub.

    So what's with the Tue-Thur lineup? Why is it so damn important to shuffle hundreds of people around to fit one man's schedule? I thought it would be the other way around?

  • blondie

    I am so ooooooooooooold. I can remember when they didn't change the days. The CO and his wife would meet on Tuesday with one of the book study groups (it rotated). Then the school and service meeting would be on Thursday nignt, with some talks abbreviated for a short talk at the end. Then on Saturday evening, we would meet again for New Things Learned or the equivalent and a talk afterwards. Sunday was pretty much the same with abbreviated WTS and then another talk.

    The theory was that he would get the troops whipped up for the week's activity ahead on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday field service, and of course, Saturday. He even used to go out on Wednesday evening, but administrative duty calls.


  • Sunspot

    Yup! I remember it just the way Blondie said. I've been out since Oct 99. Has it changed so much since then?

  • Chia

    Yes, my meetings were always on Tuesday and Thursday, so when he visited us it didn't affect me. But if he was visiting the other congregation, we'd have to have our School and Service Meeting on Wednesday instead. I never thought much about it because the CO we had up until fairly recently was pretty old and I wasn't about to question his schedule. He and his wife looked like they were on the verge of falling apart.

  • catchthis

    So there is no real reason other than him keeping the same schedule throughout the year? I still find it pretty selfish of the CO to not bend to the congregation's normal schedule.

  • catchthis

    The schedule nowadays is:

    Tuesday night at the KH --- Entire congregation has abbreviated bookstudy(no reading, just questions) followed by a 30 minute talk by CO.

    Thursday night at the KH --- Normal school parts followed by a 45 minute thrashing by the CO telling the congo that they suck and need to do more.

    Sunday --- Public talk by the CO. Abbreviated WT study(no reading, just questions) followed by 30 minutes worth of experiences from around the world and the "thanks for the lovely free meals" routine.

  • blondie

    Actually, I don't think the CO has much to do with schedule. It is preset by the big boys in NY (or the branch office). If he tried to change it around, he would find himself getting a talking to at the very least and perhaps not being a CO any longer. If the BOE were to try and exert any authority, same result.


    km 9/77 pp. 4-5 New Arrangements for Congregation Organization ***

    Up until now, congregation meetings have been held on four days of his visit, plus a meeting with the elders and ministerial servants, a meeting with the elders, and the meeting with the pioneers. Such a schedule has been a full one for the congregation members as well as for the circuit overseer.


    Beginning in September 1977, an adjusted week?s program will go into effect. Congregation meetings will be held on only three days during the visit.


    It is recommended that the Theocratic School and the service meeting be held on Tuesday of his visit. The regular Theocratic School and a 30-minute service meeting will be followed by the circuit overseer?s closing service talk, for a total session of two hours, including the songs and prayers.


    The whole congregation will meet again at the Kingdom Hall, preferably on a regular meeting night, perhaps Thursday or Friday; the body of elders will choose one of their number to conduct one large book study for that night. The book study will be reduced to 45 minutes, but the effort should still be made to cover the assigned portion for that week.


    Following the book study, the circuit overseer will present an audience-participation feature to be called "Continue in the Things That You Learned." (2 Tim. 3:14) This may include information on any points that the circuit overseer feels would be helpful to the congregation. He may consider it appropriate to cover material not only from recent Watchtowers but also from the Organization book, Our Kingdom Service and other publications. This 30-minute part will be followed by a concluding service talk by the circuit overseer. All together, this midweek meeting would last for one hour and 45 minutes, including the songs and prayers.


    The Sunday schedule for the visit will also be adjusted to two hours, including the songs and prayers. The circuit overseer will present a public talk for 55 minutes. The change comes in the form and length of the Watchtower study, which will be conducted without reading the paragraphs. Thirty minutes will be devoted to having the audience participate in answering the questions. This will be followed by the circuit overseer?s concluding talk.


    It is believed that this adjusted week?s schedule will present a more balanced program for the week. It will eliminate an additional evening meeting which time the brothers can use for other activity. Plans should be made for increased efforts in field service during this special week. In this way all in the congregation will be sharing in shining as a collective light in their community.
  • TheListener

    I believe the society would like every cong. to be uniform with their meeting nights - if possible. The CO schedule reinforces that. Since many cong. share a KH they can't be uniform, but to enforce that it is preferable to have Tues; Thurs meetings the CO makes everyone switch around during his visits.

    It's all about Power!

  • catchthis

    That sounds like the right schedule Blondie. I thought I might have been off just a little. Amazing what happens to your memory when you don't go to a meeting in a couple years.

    I never realized it was in print. That explains it. So yes, the CO would never think about changing several hundred people's schedules around just to fit his needs. If it is in print from the Society as shown above, then it is just the same as Jehovah telling the r&f IT WILL BE DONE and they won't ask questions.

  • simplesally

    It used to drive me crazy too.......... And if you had a work schedule that allowed you to go to your scheduled meetings but didn't allow you to go to all the meetings during the CO's visit, WATCH OUT!! You were not only supposed to change your schedule, the schedule of the other hall, but wordly workmates as well.

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