you guys are making me crazy! how does all of any of this become any kind of salvation issue? or is it simply because it comes from the gb, then everything they say must be believed in order to make it to the 'new system? jw's don't care about what was said before, in my experience anyway. carla
Society once again teaches: Creative days were 7000 years each!
by sir82 49 Replies latest jw friends
Yup. The good old 'making of heavens and Earth' proceding the first creative day (and thus being as long as you need), and each of the six 'days' being eons long was enough for me to convince myself, at least with the knowledge I had then.
If in 1984 (?) they'd stuck to "7,000 year day" OECism I'd already decided to 'do something' about it, as the biosphere is a hell of a lot older than 48,000 years. It's almost as idiotic as full blown "24 hour day" YECism.
However, I wouldn't of had my two fabulous daughters if I had left then. Can't think of a better way of 'wasting' a decade of my life.
Makes no sense to me at all. Adam a fully grown, sexually mature man was made to spend 30 years on his own.
Even Robinson Crusoe got off his island in far less than that!
Eyeslice -
Actually, someone saying something in a Public Talk is not neccesarily a revison of doctrine unless the most recent publications back it up. Elders run off at the mouth and quote superceded doctrine and air personal beliefs in Public Talks. What does the outline say, or was it 'local needs'?
Actualy virtually all the Public Talk outlines have been updated and re-issued. 50 new ones were also released about 3 years ago
I just bet Adam loved it each month when the new magazines arrived and they contained an article on Self-abuse!!
I mean, 30 freakin' years on his own?? With all the animals mating and breeding all around him? Get real.
I'm sure he would even have thought Cheetah was pretty after all that time! Or even Dolly the sheep!
Pope....How do you think Adam learned that these other animals were not suitable "mates"?...making God realize after all this time....hey, I guess I gotta create for him a human mate!!
BTW, the Society has until 2085 at the very latest before their chronology runs up against the Bible. Adam was 130 years old when he became father to Seth (Genesis 5:3), and this was after Cain had killed Abel, so if Cain was 20 years old at the time, this leaves 110 years for Eve to have been created and the expulsion from Eden, and Cain and Abel to have been born and grown up. Since 6,000 years since Adam's creation gave out in 1975 (according to the Society, of course), and the Millennium has been delayed because of Eve being created later, this means that the 110 years would elapse from 1975 to 2085. So far, 35 of 110 years has elapsed. Will the Society bother having an explanation when the year 2085 comes? Or will the chronology have long been abandoned before then?
Stay alive till 2085!
Too bad folks. Most of you here 'll be gone.
I guess the millions of annual layers of sedimentary rocks in Grand Canyon were faked by the devil, along with the fossils in them. And the Burgess Shales.
IF this is Jehovha's way of testing our faith, then it is a joke far funnier than we realize.
SCHOLAR erase the first 4 letters, replace with L - I - A.
I have personally met Bethelites, who told me what goes on.
Honesty -
There is nothing complicated in the fact that the world formed in the order given in Genesis. The length of day is a moot point. Why would God create natural laws that undermine literal 7 day creationism from the results they give?
The original writer of Genesis is emphasising the orderliness of how God created the world, not making chronological statements.
The WTS undermines general confidence in God's reliability by creating timelines that cannot be backed up from observable facts. - IE that the world as we know it formed in 48 000 years starting as a ball of molten rock and gas. - Even knowledge of plate tectonics knocks that one on the head. ( unless the continents were moving at hundreds of miles per hour, and then the geological evidence would be different.) See "From paradise Restored to paradise Regained." (1958 WTBS)
A high school english student wrote in an exam " When Milton got married he wrote Paradise lost. Then his wife died and he wrote paradise regained."
Since time to God is irrelevant, why buy into WTS theories on time anyways?
Let's face it, if you accept the chronology worked out from 539 bc, the fifteenth year of Tiberius Caesar, all clearly given in Daniel and Luke , then you have to accept the rest of WT chronology -607, 1914 etc.