... is Beautiful!
HadEnuf - your new avatar
by BrendaCloutier 22 Replies latest jw friends
I meant to comment on that yesterday. Very nice.
Its the good genes at work!
Ditto...what they said! LOL
Jeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzz...thanks. Ahhhhh..the wonders of professional portraits. Hubbie and I (who declined to be in the picture though he is at my side...the invisible man) had our portraits taken on the occasion of our 30th anniversary in 2003. ALOT of touching up. It was a virtual makeover. Teeth whitened. Double chins erased. Bags under eyes removed. It's the closest we'll ever get to an EXTREME MAKEOVER!
Believe me...the "Real" me looks pretty sad. Oh well. But I appreciate your nice comments. Have I told you lately that I love you all????
Cathy L.
Have I told you lately that I love you all???? Cathy L.
And the feeling is mutualand you are still beautiful
Ahhhhh...kls...I love that cute monkey face of yours. I bet the face behind that monkey is pretty beautiful too!!
Cathy L.
Cathy: I noticed your new avatar yesterday, you are beautiful!!!
I am sorry I didn't comment on it before, mostly because I don't really know if avatars are the "real poster" or like me, since I am fading I will never post my real pic.
Also, I bet you look great in real life....don't be so hard on yourself!!! (stop playing that negative tape in your head)
Edited to add: You look like a very kind, sweet, genuine person. One that I would like to meet
Thanks CodeBlue...again...you are very kind. I guess since I'm shunned by my family, except for my sons and my older son's family...whyamihere and my two darling grandchildren; that it just doesn't matter to me anymore. But if I was still in the position, as many here are, of having to be anonymous because of family connections or such, I would surely be "incognito".
This is the best thread EVER!!!
Cathy L.
P.S. You all don't know how much I wish I could meet each and everyone of you. YOU ARE MY FAMILY. (HadEnuf wipes a tear from her eye).