Could anyone confirm or deny if the Sisters code of dress still prohibits the wearing of trousers?
Jehovah's Witnesses code of dress.
by onlyme 42 Replies latest jw friends
As far as I know in the United States, 'sisters' are not to wear any form of pants to meetings or out in service, not even split-skirts are allowed. Sleeveless tops or dresses are discouraged, some places strongly encourage pantyhose to be worn even in summer months. I am not sure about other countries, as I once met a JW from Ireland who informed me that she wore pants and even jeans out in service--which really surprised me at the time.
You mean at the meetings? I don't think women can wear pants at the meetings unless it's the custom. For instance, I've seen Indian sisters wear pants under saris. But other than that, no.
Welcome Onlyme , i can only tell you what is was like when i was in and at that time dresspants were ok but dresses were a must when out in service.
In Sept 2004, I was told they are not allowed because it doesn't show submission to men.
And welcome, Onlyme!
Hey, they even show women in dresses during the family bible study when the guys are in casual slacks, shirts, and shoes. What gives!
Hey KLS- The hall we both know about only allow dresses or skirts. At least that's what husband says. He thinks it's a stupid rule. Where we live it can get really cold! carla
When i was still a member, I heard that the sister's up north, in Canada, could wear pants, ONLY if it was really cold, and it can get VERY cold at times. But even then it was "iffy"....Can you imagine going, from igloo to igloo in a dress for god's ridiculous!!!! I'd like to see the "brother's" have a gust of cold wind blow up their "dresses" hahahahaha freeze their nether's off.
Why Georgia
Most of the Sisters I knew/know always wear dresses, skirts, or long coulottes (spelling).
When I was in college before I met Darling Husband I worked with Jehovahs Witness when I was a maid at a hotel. She cleaned in a long skirt. The rest of us wore pants or shorts cause it gets darn hot in California...!
For some bizzaro reasons JW's essentially still have a dress-code straight out of a 1950's car brochure.
Beards are bad as beatniks have beards. Same with long hair on guys. Feminists wear trousers. Women cannot display flesh without being sluts. Children should dress like small adults.
Then you have 'local colour' LOL.
- Anklets are worn by prostitutes
- Skirts with slits are worn by prostitutes
- You can only give a talk as a man if you wear matching suits and trousers
- Men's dress shirts must be plain white
Lord knows there must be others; shall we make a list? LOL