i was wonderin...

by susu812 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • benito

    I didn´t grow up surrounded by jws, but when I joined them, I cut all my associations with people who were not JWs. After almost 15 years being a JWs, all my friends outside the borg had disappeared. The way I dealt with this was by doing what I always wanted to do: studying. The first year after my being DA'ed, I worked 7 hours a day and I attended clases 5 hours a day, and then I have to do my homework and prepare the classes for the next day. I was too busy to think about how lonely I felt! And the good thing is that I was enjoying with the classes, I had always felt that the "theocratic education" was not enough for me. Furthermore, attending classes with people 13 or 14 years younger than me was a wonderful experience. To be with all these "worldly" youngsters helped me see people in a balanced way, that there were good people outside the borg. I even went partying with them sometimes (I looked like the father of the group, but I didn´t matter).

    Another thing I learned is that I learned how to enjoy my loneliness. Now I don´t have many friends (buy they are true friends), and I like socializing, but now I need some moments for me. I learned to feel comfortable with myself and not feeeling afraid if I don´t have any plan to go out on Saturday, I know I can enjoy a good evening with some music, a good book and preparing a nice dinner for me, that´s it.

  • Es

    I guess im lucky in a way that i had friends from school that i still see on a regular basis and then theres my fiance and his family.... but it doesnt replace the number of friends that i lost in the truth. es

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Hi Susie,

    I grew up surrounded by JW family too. Third generation.

    Fortunately, I drifted out without baptism, but I am still surrounded and stifled by them.

    I have made some very good 'worldy' friends and find them very non-judgemental and a very great help to me.

    My advice is to get into clubs or volunteer associations etc. Spread your wings.

    Yes, it is uphill, but not for long.

    welcome to our world



  • love11

    When I was a witness, I was engaged to this geek because my mom made me. (seriously) And the guest list was over 500 people for the wedding. If I had a wedding now there might be 10 people, maybe?. I say that it's quality now, instead of quantity.

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