
by Banshee 23 Replies latest social physical

  • Banshee

    Are there any other people here who are into bicycling or handcycling?

    Last year, my husband got a handcycle (he can't use a bicycle due to handicap) and I got a new bicycle and we have been enjoying cycling. Last September, we went on our first cycling tour and did the 20 mile. We were out of state for a few months and did not bring the bikes with us, so we are now trying to get back into our regular training routine. We are pretty sure that we will be ready to do the 60 mile at that same September tour.

    I welcome any cycling enthusiasts to reply!

  • EvilForce

    I enjoy biking alot. I have taken various biking trips over the years to rather interesting places such as the Patagonia of South America, New Zealand, and am planning a Bhutan / China biking trip this fall.

    But even if you stay local, biking is a good workout, allows you to see scenery that you would miss in a vehicle, and quite relaxing.

  • Satanus

    I like to cycle along the river to a park that juts out into the water. I often do that in the evening and watch the sunset over the river.


  • EvilForce

    I'm with you Satanus....

    If I'm surfing or biking, whether local or in another country it amazes me of the simple beauty all around us. A rouge dandelion in the middle of a pristene park lawn. The roar of waves riding on the beach. Watching the sun go down as I pedal to the horizon. It's these simple things that make me appreciate what I have.

  • Banshee

    EvilForce: Yeah, that is why hubby & I like it...good workout and enjoying the beautiful scenery. We have a friend who is bigtime into it and rides over a 100 miles a day some days. He's talking about getting into racing now. I don't really think I want to get into racing but tours are cool.

    Satanus: That sounds like a beautiful, scenic ride!

    Thanks for the replies, you guys!

  • Dustin

    I want to get into bicycling more. I've been a runner for a long time, but it's getting too hard on my knees.

  • Spook

    I paricipate in the Chicago Critical Mass. Check it out on google. I don't have a car, and it's great fun to ride in the city!

  • bikerchic

    I was really into cycling a couple of years ago. I've done several century rides and many metric century rides for charities. It's very addictive and good exercise, there is nothing like getting into that zen feeling at one with your bike, it's a real high!

    I'm ashamed to say I haven't done much more than a few 20 milers in the past couple of years, I miss it but find myself too out of shape to even get on my bike......I know it's my own fault but I am finding it hard to get back the passion I once had for it or the fitness.

    I have to agree it's a wonderful way to enjoy the scenery. It was therapy for me while exiting the B'org. Can you believe I even sent letters of support to some of the JW's in my local area to donate to the charity I was riding for? LOL That went over like a lead balloon, I even got counseled by an Elder for doing it! Good grief what's wrong with donating and riding to help fight Leukemia?

    Got the bike, the gear and all the geeky roadie clothes, thousands of dollars invested and my bike is just collecting dust, sigh.

    I should change my name to bikerwannabechic.

    Anyway I don't mean to be a downer Banshee it's a great sport and kudos to you and hubby for doing it together having a partner really makes it fun. PM me and I'll send you a link to a great cycling forum if you are interested.


  • DHL

    I'm an avid cyclist? I try to get on the bike every single day whenever weather and time allow me to. To me bicycling is one of the best ways to relax and clean the soul and as a result - as already mentioned - to become aware again of the many things to appreciate. (Plus it lifts my backside.)

  • DHL
    and am planning a Bhutan / China biking trip this fall.

    Wow! I didn't know your real name was Lance Armstrong!!!!


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