Women, is it really necessary to scream when....

by Nosferatu 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    Last year, I was driving and my wife was in the passenger seat. A wasp flew in the window and landed on her. She started screaming like she had been shot. I had no clue what was happening so it scared the shit out of me. It stung her (she's not allergic) but, screaming while I'm driving?

    Yesterday, there was a bee in the house. My wife is standing there in the kitchen screaming. I told her to go in the other room while I kill it. But she just stood there, watching it and screaming. It really doesn't help our concentration when you're screaming your heads off.

  • calamityjane

    Usually its the other way around in my house, I'm killing the spiders while the rest of the family is fleeing for their lives.

    When I see a bee or wasp I just run.

  • neverthere

    Though I don't scream I do freak, I am allergic and would die if stung.

  • under74

    my roommate (a male) starts screaming like a 5 year old girl when there's a spider in the apartment and guess who has to kill the spiders everytime? I also have a friend (also male) who called me last summer because a bee flew in his apartment and he needed me to get it out. I got to his apartment complex about 3 hours after he called me....he was outside his place the entire time....

    So, guess your gender specific thing has flown out the window, eh? Maybe it's just your wife....?

  • Chia

    Actually, I remain as still as possible. I hear that if you wave and swat at it, it gets angry and feels threatened and stings. I don't know if that's true or not, but it's worked for me so far...eventually they go away. I've never been stung.

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Hey, Nos, you're right of course. Wish we could control it! My son is 21 and to this day, 9 out of 10 times when he simply arrives home and opens the door, either his sister or I will scream, just a little. Poor guy.

    But did you ever see the episode of The Osbornes in which Sharon and Kelly want Ozzie to get the cat down from on top of a tall hutch of some sort? He was calmly trying to coax the cat, while both Sharon and Kelly screamed and screamed...it was hilarious. Ozzie kept calmly saying to the gals, "please, don't scream."

  • Mary

    No it's not necessary to scream when a bee or wasp is buzzing around you...........however it is VITAL that we scream at the top of our voice if we see a snake.

  • carla

    The easiest way to catch a flying insect is just wait till it lands on a window or something, bring a glass and a piece of paper with you, place glass over bee, slide paper between window and glass (or cup) and let the thing go outside. When I garden the bees are flying all around, they never bother me. Spiders who come into my house, however, get sucked up in the vaccum! Unless they are the little black & white striped jumping kind, those I just ignore. Grandma always said it was bad luck to kill those. Not that I really think it's bad luck, just in memory of grandma they survive the vaccum cleaner. My mother & now daughter too, save all spiders and let them go! carla

  • Abaddon

    Shall I be crushingly boring and explain how the stereotypical gender reaction to small stingers and biters is completely logical given our evolutionary past?

    It's as understandable as the difference between the female and male pelvis.

    Please note 'stereotypical'; I know some guys run like gi... I mean people who are afraid of spiders, and some women are fearless slayers of arachnids.

  • Tatiana

    The other day on my way to work, I was taking my son and his friend to his friend's house to shoot ball. I stopped off at a grocery store to get them a snack. They opted to sit in the car and listen to music while I went in.

    I was walking out the front door when I heard this awful screaming. I looked towards my car, and there were my two wanna be thuggish passengers running around the car screaming like babies in front of everyone. A yellowjacket had flown into the car. The refused to get into the car until "I" got the thing out. Even after I chased it out of the car, they wouldn't get in.

    When they finally did, they put the windows up so fast it was hilarious!

    I was late for work.

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