Star Wars Question.

by Englishman 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    I'm not a fan. I have seen the first one, many yonks ago. I believe there were another couple made sometime around the late 70's. Now there's all these new titles. Are these old movies that have been kept on the shelf? Or are they new movies all together?

    I just need upgrading a little, please.



  • EvilForce

    Um, what rock have you been living under?

    LOL - just kidding

  • Englishman

    No rock, ha ha!

    I just sort of switch off whenever Star wars is mentioned. Just like I do when Maria Carey turns up on the telly. Or Eastenders.

    It's a bit like sitting at the Watchtower study. So much blah blah blah that one just turns off.


  • logical

    There are 3 old ones, A New Hope (77), Empire Strikes Back (80) and Return of the Jedi (83)

    And there are 3 new ones set before the 3 old ones: Phantom Menace (99), Attack of the Clones (02) and Revenge of the Sith (05)

  • Check_Your_Premises

    Hey Limeyman,

    Well here is the chronology. I had to explain this to my son, since the idea that the first trilogy is predated by the second trilogy simply ground his 9yr old mind to a halt.

    Think of it like a book with six chapters. The first trilogy was the last three chapters (kind of a cheap space age rip off of The Lord of the Rings)

    IV A New Hope

    V The Empire Strikes Back

    VI The Return of the Jedi

    Now the trilogy being shown and made recently is the first three chapters.

    I The Phantom Menace

    II The Clone Wars

    III The Revenge of the Sith

    Hope that clears it up for you.

    By the by (I heard a limey use that phrase once. Yanks say "by the way")

    Was Star Wars as big of a deal in England as it was here? I was 6 when I saw the first one. It was absolutely the coolest thing anyone had ever seen.

  • Englishman


    Enlightenment dawns. By Jove, I think I've got it!


  • Check_Your_Premises

    Jolly good and spot on "guvna"

  • EvilForce

    I suggest if you've waited this long to simply wait until next year and buy the whole boxed set and call it done.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    If you go to, you will find a lot of information on all 6 movies, and beyond.

  • talesin

    Normally, I would agree with Evil. The high drama and FX in this movie are going to be spectacular, though, and I think worth seeing at the cinema. My friend & I are gonna homeview the last 2, which to my mind were merely a lead-in to the finale, then go watch the new one on the big screen. :) Can't wait!


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