What is it with JWs rollerskating sunday night? That happens here too.
Children of the 80's!
by MelbaToast 53 Replies latest jw friends
Voltron, yeah baby! I loved those Lions.
During most of the 80's our family did not have TV, so us kids would go to the neighbor's house to whatch cartoons.
My other favorite shows were Airwolf, The Fall Guy, MacGyver (spelling???)...hmm...notice any trends...
Before that, in the late 70's when we still had TV and were not JWs, I liked Bugs Bunny, Woody Wood Pecker, Wonder Woman, The Six Million Dollar Man, and The Bionic Woman.
"I ain't getting on no plane, fool!"
ghetto blasters! I still got mine. I friggin live in the 80s..
Soledad, those speakers are kickin
Its strange, rollerskating on sunday nights was big in my congo too...plus the was the added bonus of maybe seeing some cute "worldly"guys . I grew up in the superstrict way of music too, though, so I never brought any questionable music home :). My first attempt at that was Tone Loc! LOL!!!! I was around 12, 13 at the time, and mom found the tape ( I had bought it at a garage sale).......the rest is history....."You are not to bring THAT FILTH in my house".....and the tape was no longer.
Ah yes, such good
repressedmemories. LOL -
I'm 38, so guess I still count as a child of the 80's, I was a teenager. Not to be a downer, but SHISH was that ever the worst time of my life. It was so hard to be in high school and be a witless, and then to be 18 19 and trying to figure out what to do with your life, and how to fade away from the org, yuk yuk yuk. Anyhow, the 90's were better for me.
I loved the 80's! I still listen to 80's music. My nine year old daughter knows Manic Monday by heart!
Pretty in Pink, Leg warmers, Madonna, black braclets, jelly shoes, moon walk, Girls just wanna have fun, Pee Wee, Stirrup pants, Bright pink shirts with aqua green triangles all over it. Ahhh... the good ol' days. LOL
My ultimate 80's look- big bangs!
Im 28... just realised i'll be 30 is a little over 18 months time! aaarrrggg!!!! Im trying to remember tv that i watched that you lovely peeps in the states will remember, cos i think much of what i watched was UK-only kinda stuff. A-Team, He-Man, Thundercats, Mask, did you guys get Chortle and the Wheelies? The Muppets, Sesame Street. But one of my favourites was called Bagpuss, but you prob didnt get that in the US.
How can I forget, i used to breakdance!!! It probably looked like i was having a seizure, but i thouhg it was so cool! oh.... Transformers... robots in disguise! Its flooding back now.....
Freedom Fighter
Chortle and the Wheelies?
Oh yeah! Chorlton and the Wheelies!!!! There was the Welsh witch in it called Fenella and Chorlton would always say..." Ello little old lady" in a broad Northern accent. Fenella was actually quite scary and gave me nightmares!
I loved Bagpuss - that was cool, and Camberwick Green and Trumpton. Will o the Wisp was also brilliant! They don't make em like that anymore lol!