I need to vent

by swiftbreeze 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • swiftbreeze

    I called my sister yesterday. She is not a JW although she has studied off and on throughout the years and attends the meeting from time to time. She knows i don't go to the kh anymore. I really don't say much about it. every now and then she tries to say something regarding the "tooth" that she feels is encouraging. I just let it ride. Yesterday she starts telling me how she went to the Kh and she met this "df" person who is trying to come back, she tells this person about me. (which pissed me off cuz she doesnt know this person and she decides to relay my life story instead of her own) so i told her i didnt believe in the religion anymore and went into various reasons why. Well she starting crying and saying that i did not believe in God and told me i was throwing my life away and how i was going to die. she says "what about living forever? don't you want to live forever and what about this world coming to an end?" so i say " the reason why you want to serve God is based on what you feel you're going to get out of it?" she sobs even louder and screamed "I HAVE FAITH!" I said "based on what? what somebody has told you" she says "but thats all you've ever known!" i say "does that make it right?" she goes "well you're not on drugs and you have been saved from alot of things" (big sigh) she says "what about Job?" i say "was Job a Jehovah's witnesses? or a servant of God?" She says that i'm blinded by satan because i don't go to the kh anymore....I told her to please search the bible for herself and not have faith in 8 men in Newyork none of whom you know anything about not even their name...

    She hung up on me. I feel bad.... i feel like i just snatched away her dream although i didnt mean to

    I know our relationship will never be the same again...i'm so tired, confused, angry and sad

  • love2Bworldly

    It's hard to see family members being so blinded. My sister is an active JW but she doesn't know I've turned Apostate. One day I know I won't be able to keep my mouth shut.

  • drwtsn32

    Ugh... Sorry to hear about that experience. :( Sometimes it is really hard for me to keep my mouth shut when my JW family starts saying "encouraging" things about the troof. But I fear that if I speak up it will only damage our already fragile relationship.

  • EvilForce

    It's hard to sometimes temper what you want to say. I've bitten my tongue for sooo many years, not discussing how I really felt that when I do speak it sometimes comes out rather vengeful. It's not untrue. Just not quite in the tone I would have wanted. I told my parents last fall "I don't think the JW's have prepared you for your own mortality very well and should be held accountable for this".

  • MelbaToast


    It seems when you want to get out so much truth in just a few statements, the urge overwhelms to just spit it out. Whats interesting is that when a dub is faced with some question of their beliefs, only "FAITH" comes into question....you can call it out to her " Faith without works is dead" But it probably wouldnt mean a hill of beans to her.

    Im sorry you have to go through this. I have been there, done that and noone wins

  • bebu

    Sorry to hear that, SB. But... looking on the brighter side, you may have been a wedge to finally get her to think a bit. The first step is the hardest for everyone, I think. If she's not a totally-brainwashed JW, she might be motivated to prove you wrong in some way, and there's some hope. If she's on the internet, you could simply send her some links and say... "This is what I mean... These things are stumbling me about the WTS... " And point out (again) that truly serving God does not include serving anyone who might be a false prophet--no matter what that person may claim.

    Anyway... Good for you for your words! You really did well.


  • sweet tee
    sweet tee

    I agree with bebu SB - you did well in raising legitimate questions. Hopefully they'll make her think.

    (((((((((((((((( HUGS ))))))))))))))


  • desbah

    wow SB this is just the place to vent your fustrations...don't you hate it when someone in your family tell the dubs about your situation.

    i know just how u feel...my sister runs to the elders, and tells them how mean we are to her...sometimes i think she needs to get married and quit interfering with my family.

  • LyinEyes

    (((((Swiftbreeze))))) don't count your sister out . When my elder hubby told me all the things he was reading on apostate sites,,,,,, I BLEW UP!

    I screamed,,,,,,,hollered (southern expression) , told him he was bringing demons in our house,,,,,,it was crazy.

    After a day or so,,,,,, of serious thinking of what in the world was wrong with my hubby, I had to stop and think he wouldn't have told me unless he was very sure. Knowing that about him, I knew he had studied it and cross referenced etc . I knew he wouldn't say these things unless he was sure he had doubts.

    I am so thankful that I finally did listen to him.

    My hubby was patient with me and that helped, so be patient with your sister when she comes around, and plant a seed of doubt. I hope it turns out well for you.

  • swiftbreeze

    Thanks for all the hugs....

    I think the thing that pissed me off was her going and telling someone about me like i'm a poster child for "lost Jw's" just put my mug on a milk carton while you're at it.

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