how can i feel better?

by tsunami_rid3r 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • tsunami_rid3r

    ok im upset right now about a girl. same girl i took to prom. im trying to be friends with her. i asked if she would like to go see star wars this weekend with a group im getting together but she said shes seeing it tonight. she just broke up with her boyfriend, but she has a crush on someone else. now i just want to be friends with her and do friend stuff to make the friendship stronger. not tom ention she'll be out of town for 2 months this summer.

    so how can i feel better?

  • wanderlustguy

    Get busy doing something else. Preferably something that takes a lot of mental effort, bonus if it helps you meet other people.

    I would suggest something like maybe Scuba diving, it's relatively inexpensive, you have to pay attention or you are fish food, and you always meet a lot of people doing it.

  • tsunami_rid3r

    i dont live by an ocean. can you name some other stuff. maybe meet other girls? maybe getting laid will help? maybe posting insulting comments like "you smell like poop" or "go back to whore island" on her blog.

  • JamesThomas

    For much of my life I created an identity around the girl or woman I was with. No lover, no me. I was lost.

    Save yourself much suffering and pain, and spend time alone getting to know the hidden talents and beauty within yourself. Not that relationships are bad. Just spend at least as much time alone, as together. Funny thing is, the more you are aware of your own gifts, the more you have to give to others, and the more fun and joy you will have with your friends.


  • tsunami_rid3r

    spend my time alone? i dont be antisocial?

  • JamesThomas

    Not really. Look at it more as being social with yourself.

  • tsunami_rid3r

    you mean masturbation?

  • EvilForce

    This is the same girl that dismissed you for another boy. She was head over heels in love with him for what 2 weeks? Now she had dismissed you YET again for someone else? How long will this new relationship last for her? 3 weeks? Move on Tsunami. It's harsh, it sucks, but cry your eyes out and move on. She has you in the "friend" category and that is the most you will ever be. So pursue someone else who will appreciate is too short.

  • tsunami_rid3r

    i said i dont mind being friends...

  • EvilForce

    As long as your heart isn't really holding out for something more Tsunami... I would say to examine your heart to the fullest extent. You may be ok being friends or you might be leading yourself to believe that somehow if you show her that you are there for her she will finally fall for you. Only you can know that. Relationships are tough little beasties. Good luck!

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