This has been discussed on several threads but I need concrete ideas. I want to start putting together a generic tract to give to ones I've know who are df'd, faded, da'd or weak. I want the tract to be loving, gentle and kind but honest.
My ideas so far (all of these or others' ideas can't fit into one simple tract, but can be the basis for a series of tracts that can be on topics that we know may interest a particular dub).
-dogmatism vs. reasonableness
-607 vs. 587
-Kai'Oikon rendering in NWT
-Jehovah's name in Greek Scriptures
-Has Jehovah always had an organization
-moving of dates for jesus' return and armageddon
-various doctrinal flip flops. i.e. screaming when raped, men of sodom, higher powers, blood components, etc.
These are topics that are central doctrines for a dub. But if the tract contains quoted WT information (not full text due to copyright laws) and rebuts what the dub will find on the society's cds I believe this could be extremely useful.