Topics for ApostaTract

by TheListener 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheListener

    This has been discussed on several threads but I need concrete ideas. I want to start putting together a generic tract to give to ones I've know who are df'd, faded, da'd or weak. I want the tract to be loving, gentle and kind but honest.

    My ideas so far (all of these or others' ideas can't fit into one simple tract, but can be the basis for a series of tracts that can be on topics that we know may interest a particular dub).

    -dogmatism vs. reasonableness

    -607 vs. 587

    -Kai'Oikon rendering in NWT

    -Jehovah's name in Greek Scriptures

    -Has Jehovah always had an organization

    -moving of dates for jesus' return and armageddon

    -various doctrinal flip flops. i.e. screaming when raped, men of sodom, higher powers, blood components, etc.

    These are topics that are central doctrines for a dub. But if the tract contains quoted WT information (not full text due to copyright laws) and rebuts what the dub will find on the society's cds I believe this could be extremely useful.

  • Nosferatu

    First of all, LOL at the name! Apostatract, I love it! It sounds so blatantly evil. Second, I think it's a great idea! I think a great one would be a timeline of "new light", especially for those who have left since they've changed things such as the 1914 generation doctrine. I had no clue it changed until just a few years ago. I can't tell you how much it pissed me off.

  • EscapedLifer1

    Great ideas,

    also see my related comments in the "How to implode your congregation" thread.

    A series of these tracts, downloadable and printable by anyone for distribution would be great.

    I wonder if Simon can set us up a restricted access area of the forum where we can post and tweak our ideas on this, without the typical JW lurkers being able to look over our shoulder.


  • RevFrank

    Their main thing was of 1914 which was inside cover of their AWAKE until 1993. It was dealing with those alive in 1914 would see the end of the system in that generation.

    They threw it out since nothing happened. It also meant that the 144,000 call would be closed. Yet they kept up, and still do, the added numbers of the excisting 144,000.

    With their own material they get nailed.Consider the 1925 issue about Beth Sarium. It was an estate just outside of San Deigo California. In 1920,"or there abouts," the Watchtower purchased a huge mansion...putting in men like Moses Isaiah, David, Solomon's name for deed holders stating that 1925 these men would be resurrected and live in the mansion...It never happened.

  • TheListener

    Great idea escapedlifer. I will pm simon to get his ideas on this. In the end simon would have the final approval on who would have access to work on the text. That's ok by me. I don't care who does the work, just that we do it. I need this for me and I'm sure others could benefit as well.

  • Swan

    For what it's worth, perhaps some of the ideas on this thread would also help:

  • TheListener

    Thanks Swan for that reminder. You bet it helps!

    The greatest thing about this site is the wealth of knowledge and experience we posess collectively. There are a lot of ideas floating right now. I truly want to follow through and make these ideas work.

  • EscapedLifer1

    Another thought:

    You know how on the back of the magazines they have the "would you like more info" thingy at the bottom of the page, perhaps we could get with some of the creators of the major JW information sites (Randy, Quotes, this forum, etc.) and get their permission to put a similar note at the end of each tract to hit all these sites for further information.


  • carla

    All great ideas for long time members, however the new converts have no concept of what any of it means. My other half, has only been studying for two years, he has no idea what the change in 'generation' actually meant to long time jw's, cannot understand the big deal about the UN, and forget 1914 he doesn't have a clue about that either. In the past two years I have studied the wt doctrine, flip flops etc..... and can see just how some of this info could be devastating to some jw's. Even 1975, he just buys into the "blame the rank & file overzelousness' routine. There are some good tracts out there on some of the Christian sites, I know many here would like to stay away from that, but, they may have some good points especially on the flip flops. Just a thought, carla

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Great Idea!

    I think a lot of us have had this idea but never knew how to get it 'launched'. Hope it works and please keep us informed.


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