Yes that would be even better than wiping out physical diseases because it involves wiping out the diseases of the spirit, of the soul, which are far worse when it comes to causing misery in the world.
Demanding the unusual
by greendawn 15 Replies latest jw experiences
Derek I think we touch on the subject of harmony between the species of the living world. Pathogenic micro organisms should get wiped out since they cause diseases in humans, in plants and animals and since they can't live and reproduce without being destructive to other living forms.
Other biting and blood sucking parasitic creatures such as fleas, lice, mosquitoes, tapeworms, should also be wiped out since they also they can live only by causing harm.Who cares if these little beasts vanish from the world anyway?
As for lofty, warm blooded creatures that are carniverous such as lions, tigers, wolves, eagles, falcons etc these should be dealt with differently through the creation of plants, trees, that produce meat like fruits on which they can survive without having to kill other animals.
Herbivorous creatures are no problem. -
As for lofty, warm blooded creatures that are carniverous such as lions, tigers, wolves, eagles, falcons etc these should be dealt with differently through the creation of plants, trees, that produce meat like fruits on which they can survive without having to kill other animals.
I take it you're in favour of genetic engineering then?
Who cares if these little beasts vanish from the world anyway?
all of the animals that eat them. unfortunately, we got that stinkin food chain thing to worry about. i say, leave the delicate balance of the ecology alone or you risk exterminating yourself as well.
so i guess my first wish would be to re-establish the organisms that greendawn wiped out. and tetrapod nailed my second wish already.
Derek, yes if the appearence of new species of plants is down to genetic engineering, or else it's Divine power that does it. It's a subject also touched by creationists who believe that at one time all animals lived in peace and ate from such fruit which are now extinct. Possible but as yet unproven.
Doogie, I am not an expert biologist or ecologist but when it comes to insects there are over a million species of them and counting (there could well be a million more yet to be discovered) and not more than 1% are parasitic, harmless beetles and ants make up most of the insect bio mass. Obviously life without insects breaking down countless tons of dead plant matter is impossile.
I can't see how doing away with that 1% can threaten the food chains but then why argue? Idea: we can also have plants that produce blood like substances for these to feed on, and leave us and our pets and animals alone. The same for those nasty liver eating worms to leave us and our sheep alone. -
I can't see how doing away with that 1% can threaten the food chains but then why argue?
agreed. i wasn't trying to argue, i just love chocolate covered ants.