I asked a similar question a couple days ago and the thread went off course. My question is does anyone know how the WTS hold is kept over the people in the rapidly growing areas of the world? I would imagine the hold they have over the people there is less. And if that is true the i would think there are more people who are disobeying the WTS. But are they dfed? Does anyone turn them in? If someone in a poor area of the world gets dfed or da'd or fades or whatever does the WTS keep record of this like they do here? I am just wondering if anyone knows how things are conducted in poor areas of the world. Does the WTS have as much control over the people of these areas as they do in the US?
Judicial commities in Brazil
by gringojj 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
My experience is limited to Guyana S.A. where the poverty rivals anything in Africa. The congos are bound by the same rules and procedures though they are less effective at enforcing them. The poor education and generally casual approach to just about everything has been a source of frustration to Americans and Europeans who go there to "help". Our records were dismal. In fact I tossed a great many of them as they were filled with fictional publishers etc. The files on Dfs was haphazardly preserved. Unfortunately small villages would make fading very difficult and the poverty making relocating often impossible.
I have no first hand information other than a missionary from the high Andies maybe Peru and he gave a talk visiting a Californian congregation while away from his assignment and he told the brothers in his special slide talk that these brother don't follow very closely what the WT dictates and how we need to be loyal yada yada yada... and not be like that.
So I would say yes they don't have that tight a control the farther you get a away from bethel kind of like the way ampherage drops in long distanses of electrical wire. I'm sure there is some mathamatical formula that could explain it.
I'm sure that some big apostacies are brewing, especially because of the internet in these foreign lands farther away from Headquarters.
Yes they do. They DA and DF for the same reasons that in USA, but there are less ex-JW that express theirs ideas in forums like this one. But they are growing in numbers.
I have some URL, of forums from South America.
From Chile: http://groups.msn.com/ayafintjchile/mensajes.msnw
From Argentina: http://groups.msn.com/TESTIGOSDEJEHOVA---NOMAZCARAS/general.msnw
I know Brazil very well and I would say that Brazil has an interesting situation in the sense that there are a lot of middle-class Internet connected people, but there are many more who are excluded from the free flow of information that the Net provides.
An interesting trend in Brazil right now is that QUITE A FEW young people and many people in their thirties and forties are going to college. The factors, in my view, that has contributed to this are:
a) realization that the end is not exactly near,
b) the Society has soften up a little on college education,
c) job market in Brazil is requiring more and more college education for positions that didn't use to require it.
So, the WT is having trouble to keep a hold on JWs especially the better to do ones, and the connected. Growth is still high for US standards (above 4% in publishers last year) but a lot lower that it used to be only about 2 decades ago, when it was routinely beyond the two digit figure.
Anoher interesting thing about Brazil: SENSUALITY IS EVERYWHERE. It's in the Billboards; it's in the magazines; it's in the newspaper; it's on the streets; and especially it is on TV programs and commercials. As a consequence, the turnover is very high; a lot of converts are made, but a lot of defellowshipping happens for "bad sexual conduct". As we say, it's a revolving door.
Only the future will tell how strong a hold WT will be able to keep over brazilians JW people.
Observador. -
Interesting question, I have often wondered at this, how the daily routine of the congregation and JWs is in areas where the educational level is very low and poverty high etc., where few can read. Also, when considered how people in many countries or areas are "by nature" very warm and approachable.
Zambia - 10,000 or so are baptized every year, yet the number of JWs does not increase that much. OK, AIDS takes its toll, but still ....
A YB telles about how this yellow book of the 60s with questions to those to be baptized was introduced as a result of the situation in Tahiti, where the JWs and new ones would come late to the meetings, and then if there was a certain smell or sense in the air due to the setting sun and its beauty, they would just wonder off down to the beach and sit marvelling at the beauty of the sunset, or slip off to under the bushes or whatever - anyway, they were "out of control", and so written regulations had to be introduced to keep them on the path.
The YB dealing with Taiwan some years ago told how most of the aboriginal tribal JWs left, because they were illiterate and did not want to learn to read and write and therefore did close to no study, and so left after some years. Most of the JWs were tribal, but later almost no tribal ones were JWs, only Chinese.
Third World countries can have more interesting reasons for disfellowshipping - like 'machete murder'
or 'bestiality' ( Columbia)
I do believe that , the further you get from Bethel, the more loose and weird things get. Years ago, I heard
some brothers in the Australian branch were using the idea that a hot sister could 'bewitch' or cast spells on
brothers. Maybe they just needed a reason to avoid df'ing some guy they wanted to protect.
Met, California JWs aren't like the JWs nearer Bethel.....Regarding the question, the rules are uniform but I would think that more illiterate countries would be tougher because with no education they can be pushed around a lot easier.
realization that the end is not exactly near
Whenever that attitude spread in the past, the WTS came up with a new end of the world date prediction. I wonder when the next one will be.