I was there 10 1/2 years. It's still bugging me...what can I do to get rid of the blahs!
Why can't I stop crying about losing my job?
by TresHappy 16 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry you are having a hard time. Try to think of it as a new opportunity... when one door closes another one opens. Don't mourn the death, celebrate the rebirth ;)
I used to get all huffy and puffy about jobs. I've made big money and small money. Just accepted a job that pays about 50.00/hour. Before that I was making less. Normally though I'd say most jobs aren't worth the trouble-thats why I usually work for myself, and then when things get slow I go back to the corporate world, but jobs are just so shitty now days and they can really suck the life out of you too.
Maybe you ought to try working for yourself for a while. I know that i'll end up back down that road eventually myself, anyway, good luck-cuz we all got to eat.
You need to go through the Grief stage. You were with this company for a long time; it's like losing a family. Just know "This to shall Pass"
I really understand what you are going through. I lost my job last October too.....I cried A LOT.
You feel rejected, unwanted, and especially insecure about getting a new job. Why would some one else want you, right? I felt this way anyways....
Your sadness may not pass for a long time. You are grieving. You have lost a part of your life.....and may not have had any control over it. It will hurt for a while. But it will get better. I still feel a sense of rejection, even now....but it's better. Don't force yourself to be happy for now, but you need to go on with your life and eventually you will start to feel ok and then eventually you will start to move on with a new life.
Everything will be OK. I know it's hard.....
I'm wondering if I'll get unemployment?
How about it? Ten years vs just over a week. Are you feeling better than you were? I hope so.
Be patient, the wound in your back is still healing. Luckily, they didn't stick the knife in too far, as you have a fairly thick skin. Right? *wink*
Think of what you usually do when you are in a funk. Well, what's holding you back? Do it! ;)
Like Merc says, the workplace sucks nowadays, and it's important to remember that it's all about politics and money, it's not about you, or your value as a person.
That's the key,,, it is a game, and someone played a trump card. The next hand, you will win. If you can work for yourself, then you are mistress of your game. Work for someone else, and you play by their rules.
Chin up, you are better off away from that place.
I wish I was there to give a warm hug. I know, loosing a job really sucks.
But this is like loosing a boyfriend: the best way to forget is finding another one. I hope you will soon.
Observador. -
hey tres, i found this sweet advice list called: 100 Things to do if You Have Been Laid-off at: http://content.monster.ca/articles/onehundredthings/
hope this helps you get over the blah... -
I once heard many years ago that we go through several emotional "trauma's" in our life. They are...graduating high school.......getting married...........getting divorced (if that happens)...........losing a job (because we wonder if we will get another)........death of a loved one.......
Hang in there. I once thought I had a job for life in the major steel industry. Worked 20 years and thought I had it made until they all closed up in this area. From 1984 to 1994 I had over 13 jobs ranging from janitor, termite inspector and cockroach killer, courier driver, security guard, machine operator, carpenters helper, hod carrier (mixing and carrying mortar for bricklayers), plumbers helper, painter, wallpaper remover, machinist and plastic injection mold repairman. At that time, if someone offered me a nickel more, I quit one job and went to the next. In 1995 I was able to get back with the steel company I worked those first 20 years for. They still have a couple of plants open and I was very lucky. Today I am retired and am only 58 years old.
I went through many emotional turmoils and even had a nervous breakdown in the 1980's because of all the worry of providing for the family. I still like to think that I was provided for just as the birds of heaven are!
One thing I always say is.........."I never lost any weight from going hungry."
It takes full time footwork and searching on your part to find another job. I'm a firm believer that you have to look constantly because the job is not looking for you. At least today we have the internet to search also. Just go to your state employment web page and you may find many jobs you are quallified for.
Good luck and please let us know how it turns out.