Let's assume that the 70 year prophecy will be confirmed by all archeologists and Geremia 29:10 is correctly rendered "at Babilonia" so 607-537 is fine.
(I know everybody, but let's for a second)
When we get to Daniel 4 we have the dream and the tree is compared to the king Nebuchadnezzar. The WT confirms this and all is fine.
in Chapter 6 of the book "Pay attention to Daniel Profecy!" under the subtitle "Seven Times That Effect Us" Pg 94, right at the beginning in four lines they change the premises and say that the tree "symbolizes the universal sovereignty of Jehovah". They don't give any other details about it and they don't seem preoccupied to prove with the scriptures that this sudden change is justifiable. Then, they go on and use this changed premise to support 2520 years and get to 1914.
I'm no scholar but I can't honestly see where that came from? I mean this book is about Daniel prophecy I would expect to find a bit more about it. Where is the connection between the 7 times for Nebuchadnezzar and the end of gentile times and Jehovah sovereignty? Why the sudden change with non explanation?
Maybe I don't know something and this is a stupid question but if it's not I hope the experts here will elaborete on it.
Many thanks....