Welcome MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is if she gets this far. Well Done!!!!!!!!
by LouBelle 22 Replies latest jw friends
Okay this thread was to welcome my Mother onto the forum. I'm hoping that she is typing out her story to share with you guys. She's pretty new to the whole forum/chat thing and is trying to find her way around the peeee ceeee.
There was a time that my mother & myself didn't see eye to eye - perhaps because to some degree I was still attached to the JW's and thought I was more self righteous than her, but now it's a blessing to have you by my side mom as we both find our new path. A path that has left indoctrination and fear behind. A path that has freedom as it's foundation.
And am grateful that it's a walk that I don't have to do alone.
mad max
Hi Everbody I am new on this site. My story every quickly, if we could ever tell a story about what I came out very quickly but here goes.
Came into jw when i was about 22 years, got babtized the next year and then from there onwards worked my way to please man. Was 'strong" but like to question to myself about "things". For 16 years it was like that, then left when i was about 38 years, did my own worldley stuff for the next 8 or so years, but with the org very much in the background having all the family in. Some did not speak to me or invite me here or there as some of you know very well. Must say that my daughter Loubell always was there for me. Now and only now i can truely say with freedom that i fear no man as just yesterday OUT OF THE BLUE one elder phoned me to come and visit me to see if i have any problems...Hullo after 8 years, but fear not, I do not. I am well and truely over the mind controll thing and everything that goes with it. Now I have found peace of mind knowing i am not pleasing man anymore but God. Believe me there was lots to the above story (the inbetween) but must keep it short.
Well thanks everyone, great to be here.
mad max
Wow! great to have a mom/daughter duo! enjoy the forum.
Hi Madmax and welcome
Hi and s biggggggggg welcome
Welcome Madmax! Nice to meet ya.
Welcome mad max!
There was a time that my mother & myself didn't see eye to eye - perhaps because to some degree I was still attached to the JW's and thought I was more self righteous than her, but now it's a blessing to have you by my side mom as we both find our new path. A path that has left indoctrination and fear behind. A path that has freedom as it's foundation.
And am grateful that it's a walk that I don't have to do alone.
Awe that is so great to hear! Enjoy the journey, it's so much nicer with a friend!
Oh and welcome to you too LouBelle!
welcome both MadMax and her lovely daughter LouBelle.