She must have been released too soon and given the wrong meds!
The Internet
by myelaine 15 Replies latest watchtower bible
She's not a troll actually, she's just a Christian .
I'm sure most have heard of the idea that the bible points to the internet as some wicked thing or other. Of course when we look at it for what it is, it's just a way of exchanging information. I wonder if the JWs or any other person/group who holds this belief also believe that given enough input you will believe that particular way, because of course even though their position is represented on the internet it is a minority. In other words, that what you believe is strictly content driven. But we know someone can ignore everything else and reinforce their existing beliefs, too, by "study" and such. So much for discernment though, it certainly sounds more like self hypnosis than anything.
Myelaine does not even discuss "the internet" in her comments.
"then let those in Judea flee to the mountains.....
I live in upstate NY........would the Adirondacks "do" just as well?
you are saved Sunspot.