VH1 Poster about Child abuse....

by EvilForce 25 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • EvilForce

    I was reading the VH1 message boards today about the child abuse report that they ran. A JW posted this website as proof of how the borg handles child abuse....


    I won't post the whole thing here, but it's worth reading...but here's a paragraph from it...."In a few instances, individuals guilty of an act of child abuse have been appointed to positions within the congregation if their conduct has been otherwise exemplary for decades. All the factors are considered carefully. Suppose, for example, that a long time ago a 16-year-old boy had sexual relations with a consenting 15-year-old girl. Depending upon the U.S. jurisdiction where he lived when this happened, elders may have been required to report this as an incident of child abuse. Let us say that 20 years have passed. The child abuse reporting law may have changed; the man may have even married the girl! Both have been living exemplary lives and they are respected. In such a rare case, the man could possibly be appointed to a responsible position within the congregation."

    They are trying to dissuade anyone from realizing that both elders and MS are appointed while being child molesters. They pose the "hypothetical" argument above on how someone might become an elder yet be a child molester. How many 16 yo's sleeping with a 15 yo would most people constitute molestation. What a bunch of bullshite!!!

    I'm going to go puke.

    edited to make link clickable ~ Scully

  • candidlynuts

    it is sickening...the elder i know of was 19 when he molested his nieces and nephews when they were 5 -9 yrs old........now he's an elder at 40 yrs old.. when word got out that he was being considered for an elder position, the molested ones wrote the elder body to let them know that this man had abused them, they were told that happened when he was a " kid" and had no bearing on his position now.

    in my opinion if your 19 and getting off by molesting 5 yr olds, at 40 he's not going to be much different.

    the person at vh1 that posted that baloney obviously has never been molested nor had the pain of knowing an innocent child that had been violated.

  • EvilForce

    the person at vh1 that posted that baloney obviously has never been molested nor had the pain of knowing an innocent child that had been violated

    THAT WEB LINK AND PARAGRAPH IS FROM THE WTBS SITE, NOT SOME LAME ASS POSTING SOMETHING. That's what I found so disturbing.... it's on their official web site.

  • sf
    I was reading the VH1 message boards today about the child abuse report that they ran.

    Could you please provide a DIRECT link to that particular thread? For some reason the MJ message board is not loading for me.

    Thank you, sKally

  • kls

    Their sickassness just makes my skin crawl. Discusting cult idiots.

  • Sith

    Sickassness. That's a good word. This is just another lame attempt to filter and dilute

  • candidlynuts
    THAT WEB LINK AND PARAGRAPH IS FROM THE WTBS SITE, NOT SOME LAME ASS POSTING SOMETHING. That's what I found so disturbing.... it's on their official web site.

    HOLY COW! i'm sorry i was confused.. (easy cuz i'm a bird brain)

    that does make it even more disturbing. i agree!

  • EvilForce


    Jehovah's witnesses as an organization have never covered up such a thing, and that is a bunch of ridiculous crap. Maybe you were molested, but you probably liked it. Anyone that does such a thing is removed from the congregation. So, yes I guess you would say we have strict rules about sex, because we don't put up with child molestors. Maybe you were the molester, William, and that's why you were disfellowshipped, eh?!

    I also was shocked and apalled to see such irresponsible journalism. When you want to know about America, do you go ask the Taliban? This man was a member of a ridiculous group of chemically imbalanced apostates who through their inability to lead a balanced life were removed, thankfully for the rest of us, from our congregations. America is supposed to represent freedom of religion, but this was an outright attack of lies on the most honest group of people you could ever know. I seriously doubt this man was ever an "elder." Most likely, he was baptized, made a few mistakes, refused to change them, and was kindly asked to leave the rest of the congregation alone if this was the path he wanted to take in his life. Disfellowshipping and armageddon have nothing to do with eachother. Disfellowshipping is much milder than what catholics might do, which would be excommunication. Disfellowshipped people can still attend congregation meetings at the kingdom hall, but are simply asked to leave the rest of the congregation alone until they can mend their ways. Jehovah's witnesses have nothing against sex between a husband and wife, which is healthy and the best way to live your life anyhow. They just do not stand for fornication or adultery, which is never a good idea anyway. Jehovah is god's name, found in any bible that hasn't had it purposely removed. There is nothing secretive about it, and they will answer any questions anyone may have very openly! If you think Jehovah's witnesses are trained to take abuse, just try it. This guy was just trying to blame the religion for his own inadequacies!


    Or this post:

    Every bit of it was a lie, ALAN. You pick on her credentials, but you're probably a toothless ghetto fool who no one liked in the congregation anyway! If you saw no significant distortions, than you never really paid attention at the meetings anyway.

    edited to make link clickable ~ Scully

  • avishai

    Well, these are obvious, uneducated examples of "ad hominem" arguments. Attack the person rather than the argument.

    The irony in many of the VH1 comments to me is that they say "Your a disgruntled apostate, you cant say anything about the jw's because you no longer are one!!" And yet the JW"s are a religion made up almost entirely of disgruntled ex's from other religions, and their stock in trade is talking trash about those very religions.

    Been meaning to post that over there, have'nt had the time. Anyone else is more than wlecome.

  • EvilForce

    I posted a couple of posts over there. One to the "JW Historian" doing research on the faith. I asked her a few questions about inconsistencies. I'm sure I won't hear anything. I posted under GenXGuy.

    I also posted how the WTBS won't answer any questions, take calls, participate in round table discussion and such, so how else is a media outlet supposed to find out more about something.


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