I do have some thoughts on this subject, there are some interesting scriptures that come to mind on this subject but I want to get other peoples opinions. Do you think that God of the bible is sexist? What do you think it means to be sexist? And PLEASE I am not trying to start a gender war.
Do you think God is Sexist?
by The Lone Ranger 14 Replies latest jw friends
don't get me wrong. i think he's hot, but i'm not sure about the sexiest!
I think Teri Hatcher is sexiest, but god comes in a close 2nd
I have to apologize Lone R.:
Here you come up with a serious question, and an idiot like me takes it off on a goofy tangent.
Hey, it's Friday ... and i'm a wild & crazy guy!
Some of its authors were through limited understanding of Christs true messages. Even Paul completely changed his understanding of Christs return between his letter to Thessolonica and later letters. He didnt live long enough to change his teaching on other things to the correct understanding. That is perhaps our job.
Evidence shows the Bible is full of errors, but I still believe it is inspired (God breathed but not God dictated) The follies of taking all its authors different beliefs and perspectives literally as Gods laws.
Jeff, I'm not sure how that answers the question. The answer is, of course the god of the bible is sexist, as we have come to define that term. How modern, self-respecting women can align themselves with the teachings of a cult like the Jehoobers is beyond me. Now, I did say "self-respecting" women.
All I have to go on about this subject is an ancient book written by men, so I think I will reserve judgment until such time as God and I can have a serious conversation about this.
The answer is, of course the god of the bible is sexist
Yes, but only if we assume that authors of the Bible accurately understood and portrayed what God was/is. I was talking about whether the Creator of the universe could be sexist, and s/he certainly could not be IMHO.
m. kirov
sexist? no, not even at 1Cor. 11:5,6.
just dissapointed, starting w/ the 1st rebel.
The witch in Hansel And Gretel wasn't a mean witch. She was misportrayed by the Brothers Grimm