Can any one tell me ?

by Angry 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • love11
    I would never do anything like that to my own children.

    You're already a bigger person then they will ever be. Something is wrong with people that desert their children. Don't forget who you are and who they are. They way they have treated their own family is a true testament of their "godly love".

  • kls

    Angry ,always remember we love you and care about you and know you are hurting deeply. The longer you are here the tougher you will become and will learn how to use your anger and the saddnes will be less.

  • stevenyc

    Hi Angry, and welcome.

    Most people on this board are in one of three stages, either; very angry, was very angry , or about to get very angry, dicovering the truth behide the truth. We call it the 'kicking the puppy stage'. I'm ten years out of the organization, but have only recently discovered how it screwed my head / life up. The indoctrinations from infancy, only now am I facing.

    Please feel free to express yourself here, it will help you. There are many differing views here on religion, as you will find out, however, the overwelming majority of people do have respect, and I'm confident you words will be received with respect.


    edited to add: 'only now am i facing' - just read this back and its sounds a bit like Yoda.

  • avishai

    We're here for you, and we've been there. ((((angry))))

  • Angry

    It has been 11 yrs. and i have been supressing this inside because I can not get the proper treatment where I am at. Hillbilly hell!

  • Sith

    Angry, it's a long dark tunnel coming out. rest assured, it's better than the dark hole yuou've been in. Most of us have been right there. Welcome to this board. A lot of these people are cynical and assholes, but they all have good hearts. You're gonna laugh and you're gonna cry, but you are gonna survive, and you're life is gonna be so much better. Welcome and VENT all you need too.

  • jschwehm

    Hi Angry:

    One of the first things that happened to me when I left the JWs was the extreme amount of anger that I felt towards them, God, and myself. It does get better with time.

    You will find lots of support here and you are embarking on a very exciting journey believe it or not. It will not be without some emotional pain and some fear but in the end you will be stronger for it.

    Jeff Schwehm

  • outoftheorg

    Welcome Angry.

    I know how you must be feeling. You have every right to be angry. After all you were damaged and hurt by a cult. A very severe and damaging and demanding cult.

    We know how you must feel and we understand what you are saying and we have also been there.

    Feel free to vent your anger towards the wbts here and remember, asking for help here is permitted and understood.

    You may want to consider seeing a licensed counselor or psychologist at some point in your journey.

    Believe me when I say that things will get better with time and a happy and healthy life is really possible.

    Stick around and ask questions and join in on any post that intetests you.

    Best wishes to you Angry.


  • FMZ

    Angry.... We are with you mate.


  • MerryMagdalene

    Just wanted to add my welcome, (((Angry))).

    I'm glad you found JWD as finding it has been one of the best things that ever happened to me and I have a feeling it will be the same for you.

    I look forward to hearing more from you and just wanted to add that i read your bio and Queen of the Damned is one of my favorite books.

    Feel free to pm me if ever want to chat about it or anything else...


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