watch what you ask about!

by zev 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • zev

    i posted this in another thread...
    i wanted to give it its due concideration....

    i wish to share a small tid-bit of something that came to "light" last week. it shows how underhanded and sneeky the little trolls are, and they even know they are.

    an issue came up recently in a watchtower over a certain number of years that was mentioned in a w.t. the actual years in the bible was different. 215 vs 430 in the 6-1 wt. now this was discussed here, in another thread, and as i found out on my own what the real explaination was, and it was cleared up here also. but i decided to toss this descrepancy at my wife to see what she thought.

    she couldn't answer it. she accussed me of finding this "mistake" on apostate web sites. she said i'm looking for any reason to be negative. actually, i am, but all one has to do is kick up the corner of the carpet and the dirty underside of the watchtower cult is totally exposed. actually, the scripture quoted in the wt, was 2 verses away from the aformentioned years, and if one reads before and after, it was easy to see.

    next meeting i went to i asked one of the elders about it. he was dumbfounded...but looked into it.

    but what he said next really struck home.

    be carefull who you ask questions like that of. they could take it the wrong way.

    now i didnt get all huffy asking about this, it was just a point i needed to clear up. it wasn't even an issue. if anything very minor.

    but it struck home. i now know i can never ask anything that is out of the "norm".

    i cannot trust them, that they will take it to a level that it need not be.

    to question = apostacy

    isn't it a shame?

    The greatest consistancy of the WTBTS is their INconsistancy.

  • hybridous

    Ha, so much for 'making sure of all things'.

    By now, many of the elders are quite aware of the 'soft-spots' in JW theology. The info is all over the net, what can they do? They have no defence for most of their lies, so their best bet is to attack the person posing the questions...

    You come across a JW lie or falsehood (a matter of perspective, I guess), and you are suspected of a mind-crime. What does the average JW learn? Shut the hell up. You said it, 'watch what you ask about'.

    The brainwashing continues. For some. How long can the average JW reconcile worshiping Jehovah (God of Truth) in a cult of ignored lies?

  • wondering alot
    wondering alot

    No surprise, when they ask the questions in the study articles, it's always from the paragraph the answers are expected to come. I was a book study conductor once, quess how well added incidental material went over on studies?

  • RedhorseWoman

    Oh, Zev, obviously you were running ahead of Jehovah on that one. Obviously, new light will be out about the matter momentarily. You MUST keep your eyes on the prize, and stay on the narrow road.

    Don't you just LOVE all these little catch phrases? So versatile, so useful, so mind-numbing. In other words....shut up and just do what you're told. After all, you KNOW that JWs are not a cult.....JWs are not a cult....not a cult....not......

  • zev

    actually the answer came from a 50 year old i was running backwards

    The greatest consistancy of the WTBTS is their INconsistancy.

  • Jim Lad
    Jim Lad

    I know it's a little off the topic, but, Zev, why do you have a picture of a chick as your - what's the term? - Avatar?

  • gsark

    I've often thought she looked like Yancy Butler, a lovely American (I think) actress. I especially liked her in a movie called 'The Ex'.

    Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!

  • gsark

    Oh yeah, about your post Zev...

    Thanks for the warning. Much appreciated.

    Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!

  • zev

    i dunno jim....
    i started out with the lady from lexx as my pic, graduated to this lady, she's from witchblade, click the homepage thingy and read about the show.

    mostly, it keeps people off balance as to who i am.
    there is only one person here who "knows" me. an old friend from my youth that used to go to the same hall as me.some people have seen my picture form my real web page. the rest remain in the dark
    but those who have read my storys, know who i am and whats going on.

    sorry for the confusion jimbo.

    The greatest consistancy of the WTBTS is their INconsistancy.

  • somebody
    an old friend from my youth that used to go to the same hall as me

    Who you calling old?,gramps. Don't make me hunt you down and kick your bwa.


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