G'day all,
How have things been with you this past week? Hope it's been better than mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Still I'm reassured by one of my favorite texts, one that has sustained me through difficulties:
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." - Romans 8:28 (NIV)
I think expecially of those words "in all things".
So we look for hope where there's adversity, the "silver lining", and there sure has been much of that! At last all my children are sharing with us, even Bethelites sent a meal for Mrs Ozzie one day!!!!!!!!!! Good heavens!
Apart from an InBox full of greetings from around the world, I even had visits from hospital staff who'd been told we were there and wanted to come and offer support.
Many cards have been coming each day, and a small card arrived from Vivamus just as I was about to go in to surgery. How kind! She knows Mrs Ozzie and I would love to be in Holland. Hell, I'd love to be anywhere but where I've been lately!
Now how about tthe shiraz? Well, stuff it, I asked my daughter last night to select a good one from the cellar and she picked a Burton Cab/Sav which I moderately shared. Now that felt good. Not quite the shiraz but near enough, eh? I had to make a choice; codeine or shiraz? Well, what would you choose? Really, there's no contest!
So, now that the surgeons have proved again that I still have a brain, I'd better try using it! So let's poll!
Our polls of late have largely explored the significance of 'downsizing' the "Awake!" magazine's importance and its ramifications. What hasn't been explored is something that you may have wondered about in recent times, so here it is:
Why isn't the "Awake!" available online?
1. It would be free.
2. It would encourage "the brothers" to use the worldly internet.
3. They need the "donations" from the print copies.
4. The G.B. don't have computers.
5. Service Department don't want the I.T. department to expand.
6. They just love the magazines!
7. They love the smell of the paper.
8. They can carry the Awake! with them wherever they go.
9. You can't show web page hits as placements.
10. They want to boast of circulation figures.
11. You can't offer a laptop on the train.
12. It's not that important.
13. The R&F would be given an excuse to spend more time in front of their PC screens.
14. Beats me - do you know?
15. Other (please detail)
So what do you think? We'd love to 'hear', so get your replies in and don't forget.............................
Cheers, Ozzie (not quite braindead class)