JW Poetry

by JW83 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • JW83

    Very good GBL & Evanescence! That's the spirit!

    Now, does anyone want to read any of my cheesy love poems?!!

  • lawrence

    Some of my other post Witness poetry is on Randy's site. This was written about 5 years after leaving the Borg:


    Just as when Moses went on top of Horeb, a molten new-fangled-old-fangled worship proceeded.

    Jesus said wait, Jehovah said wait; everybody was preaching, "TOO LATE!"

    Preaching a molten calf -- a new-fangled-old-fangled worship -- one big party to God (?)

  • JW83

    Nice, Lawrence.

    Here is one I wrote when I was still a dub about a friend who left:

    The empty, burning feeling

    racking my eyes and

    the back of my throat -

    An ode

    To a friend who meant everything

    And still does.

    [Yeah, yeah, I know, I won't give up my day job ... It is fun to share though, yeah?!]

  • Terry


    Once I had a daddy in the sky.

    I talked to him in quiet moments. (Why?)

    My fear; to fail. My life; to serve

    I went to jail; I kept my nerve.

    The silence of the stars was his reply.

    Oh..... silent Father can you see? This speck of dust who cries to you....this "me"?

    Invisible you are. Unreachable and far.

    I lived my life for you....a noble LIE.

    People often stumble and they fall.

    Lonely weeping at your Kingdom Hall.

    Fingers in our face; we have to know our place.

    On our knees to answer to your call.

    Nothing comes from nothing; here I stand.

    Pleading for approval; empty hands.

    Vast and empty skies

    echo with my cries

    Daddy, could you help me understand?

    Then I hear the footsteps from behind.

    Has my father changed his wondrous mind?

    Turning round to see:

    A mirror.....................only me!

    Really, what did I expect to find?

    Once I had a daddy in the sky.

    Now I see the darkness and I cry.

    That face I sought to see reflected only me

    in troubled water shimmering goodbye.

    The wind is careless as it touches skin.

    Another day creeps out and life begins.

    The dreams I leave behind. At last this life is mine.

    The darkness: gone! The guilt....the tears...the sin.


    by Terry Walstrom

  • lawrence

    Oak Trees of Righteousness

    Oak tress of righteousness calling at your walls,

    Bridegroom rejoices over his Bride in sunless halls,

    They have crowns in their hands with pure delight of heart,

    Shall you now rebel, and join the "Smart"?

    Can you lie with a woman that is now unclean?

    Or take a sister to share in something unseen?

    Oh, how the princes among her are rending the prey;

    My, how the priests violate Jehovah's laws all day.

    Her sister Oholibah, the doter, carried on worse,

    While the Babylonians came to visit and recited defiled verse.

    Thebes split asunder, Memphis reduced to gravel,

    Men shall stop up the valley of Azazel, and then will travel.

    Standing by the way, asking for ancient paths,

    While both neighbors and friends rejoice in oiled baths.

    My Flesh was clothed with worms and clods of dust,

    Yet, clothes are moth eaten, the world's silver and gold turns to rust.

    Is it Babylon or Zion, whose deeds seem better?

    Esau, now a merchant, will soon be a debtor.

    Jacob, zealous for good works, received a reward,

    Shut the mouths of lions, to receive death by the sword.

    (Copyright 1978)

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