holy cow....why did this happen?

by desbah 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • desbah

    well last night i went to see that new star war III flick that everybody is talking about....and when i got back from the late showing....

    i noticed my silver chevy 4x4 truck is gone i called the police and had to file a missing auto report and now i'm so upset...

    so i went out looking for my truck.....since it was prom nite last night i went checkin at all the local party sites but nada....so i gave up around 4 AM.....

    now i'm stilling here thinking maybe this is some form of punishment from God....or is the Devil playing a mean trick on me!!!!!!

  • heatherg

    what a bummer!!! hope you find it soon. best of luck to you! hg

  • BluesBrother

    Oh No, That is is really tough. I do hope that you get it back and can cope until something is sorted..

    BTW . It is not God, or Satan's fault. Just some low-life with hot wire skills. As the saying goes "S####T happens"

  • fairchild

    Oh that makes me so very mad. Why can't people just leave alone what is not theirs? Is that really so hard to do? I really hope they find the thief and punish him/her accordingly. Keep us informed.

  • Gill

    Hi desbah!

    Sorry to hear about your car!

    Don't worry it's nothing to do with God getting even and Satan's not even interested in your car!!!

    Hope the police help you find it again soon!

    Good luck and keep cool!


  • delilah

    HeyDesbah.....Sorry about your truck. It isn't the debbil or God smiting you, it's just some rotten selfish idiot who took it. The same thing happened 3 weeks ago to a co-worker. She went to get into her car for work, and had to file a police report berfore getting a taxi to work....took them 2 weeks to find the car, and now she has to have a mechanic go over it to see what damages there are.....it sucks. Good luck sweetie.


  • EvilForce

    Isn't that what insurance is for? I mean I understand it's a pain in da ass but it is replacable no? It could have been worse you could have been car jacked and threatened with a gun while they stole your truck...so I'd say count your blessings.

  • jaffacake

    Im sorry to here of this, I know how you feel!!

    some form of punishment from God....or is the Devil playing a mean trick on me!!!!!!

    This sort of talk is just JW style superstition. You may have a point however if you can prove that nothing bad has ever happened to a JW 'in good standing' !?

  • OldSoul


    My car has been stolen before, and my wife is very faithful JW. God's punishment? Nah. Fact of life: some people take things that don't belong to them. They do not act as an agent of the Devill in doing so. They certainly do not act as an agent of God by doing so. They act as a selfish, greedy human.

    I hope you find it in one piece and with little damage. I was not so fortunate.


  • desbah

    its hard right now for me, and some of you really know how to comfort a injured person...thank you all for you understanding and support

    i notify my insurance company and i should be hearing from an adjustor in the next 2 days. since i live in a state close to the Mexican border my chances of finding my truck are nada.

    its the hassel of knowing my insurance rates will be going up...thanks to the car jacker!! i hate to think it will be stripped for parts and i know for sure who ever took it... will sure be using the 4 wheel drive to take it off road.

    the sad part is that my 4x4 is paid off and maybe i should have invested in that On-Star program.

    This sort of talk is just JW style superstition. You may have a point however if you can prove that nothing bad has ever happened to a JW 'in good standing' !?
    when i stated my opinion about its Gods punishment or a mean trick the Devil playin...that was my fatigue talkin...i'm really not a believer in that JW superstition crap!

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