Shouldnt you all be getting ready for meeting?? *fluffs*
Its 8:30 AM on Sunday Morning...
by Lostreality 16 Replies latest jw friends
Never again!!!
Isn't life good!
Hmm... at 8.30 on Sunday morning, I'm often in the shower, getting ready to go to the casino.
~~please view my bookbag~~
Good morning. All I really need to do is finish up some underlining.
Buying grocerys at 8:30...just came in from watering the flower beds... got to be a sin in there somewhere.
Sunday mornings are for "ME" now, to sleep in if I want, have coffee on the porch. Daydream, haha.....No more "Sunday-go-to-meetings" for this girl......isn't it wonderful????? I don't miss it at all. There's too much life to be living.....ENJOY!!
Just woke up from sleeping in....I"m sure I was committing a sin in my sleep somehow. Unclean thoughts? Slothfulness? Lazy?
One thing though is very disturbing to me on a beautiful Sunday morning , like today.
I hear them now and it tells me someone is not able to enjoy their Sunday morning and possibly their life will change forever. Hopefully it is just something minor.
its nearly 12:30, just got up, ever so slighty hungover, first cup of tea in my hand, feeling greatful I've started my new sect. - SundayHorizontalizm. Anyone care to join.
After lounging around, I'm checking my email, this board, and the morning news while sipping my coffee. We are going to take a Sunday drive in the country on a beautiful day, but don't know where. There are 8 compass directions to start out in, but once we head out, we just let the day happen and pick our route as we go depending on our mood.
But I do know this. We will not end up at a Kingdom Hall, though we may pass by one or two. I will try and take a second to pause and reflect, wishing kind thoughts of eventual release for the poor souls trapped inside, bound up in the monotony they call worship... but more than likely I won't give it a second thought since I will be enjoying the day so much.