Pea up his nose!

by pennycandy 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • pennycandy

    Has this happened to anyone else's kids? My 18 month-old is the only one of my three to ever do this.

    He actually stuck 3 of them up there, but I squished the first one out then pulled out the 2nd one with tweezers. But I can barely see another one way back. Anything I do will push it back further.

    He's breathing fine and is happy, and has sneezed a few times, but no luck. I have a call in to the ER, but does anyone out there have any brilliant advice?

  • cruzanheart

    Take him to his pediatrician and see if they can get it out. Believe it or not, but they're used to this kind of thing! Jackson stuck a nice, hard bean in his ear last year and we ended up at the Ear, Nose & Throat doctor because only he had a device that could reach it. Jackson was very surprised: "I never had any trouble getting it out before."

    It is important to get it out but it can wait for regular business hours if he's breathing okay.

    Jennie once stuck a green jelly bean up her nose but we got that out ourselves.

    Good luck!


  • tetrapod.sapien

    ha ha! well, at least your kid is only 18 months old! i had a bright cousin who was 9 and got an eraser end from a pencil stuck up his nose. three weeks later, when he finally owned up to it, he had to get it removed from his nose by a doctor. gross. so, i think you are already doing the right thing by getting them medical attention.

  • fairchild

    squirt a bit of water mixed with baking soda in his nose, then hold some pepper under his nose to make him sneeze again. This is NO professional advice, it's just something I would do. The water with baking soda is completely harmless (I do it all the time to relieve sinus infections), and I don't think that holding the pepper close to his nose would harm him. It's worth a try.

  • pennycandy

    I'm hoping he'll get it out himself soon. It was bothering him earlier (rubbing nose, whining) for a while, but he now seems oblivious to it. I'd prefer to wait until business hours tomorrow.

    A few minutes ago I even gave him a wiff of pepper (bad mom). Turns out he loved the smell and wanted more! Didn't sneeze though.

    Pencil eraser, hard bean, jellybean. What makes an otherwise intelligent person want to know what it feels like to stick a foreign object up their nose?

  • pennycandy

    Water with baking soda, huh?

    How about some KY?

  • loosie

    I've heard of a flintstone vitamin up a nose before. But it didn't get stuck.

  • pennycandy

    I stuck a couple of chocolate chips up there when I was little. They melted fairly quickly.

  • fairchild
    A few minutes ago I even gave him a wiff of pepper (bad mom). Turns out he loved the smell and wanted more!

    OMG that is too funny.

    What is KY?

  • EvilForce

    KY Jelly. Lubricant.

    I have failed to weigh in on this thread because I've wanted to see just how odd / silly postings would get on what to do.

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