The Pretribulation Rapture : What if it isn't true? - C. H. Fisher
Christian Articles On: Eschatology. The Pretribulation Rapture : What if it isn't true? by C. H. Fisher. Chapter 6 - Two Resurrections and Two Judgements 4_eschatology/chapter6.html - 52k - Cached - More from this site
by Lois 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Deputy Dog
Not only is it not true, it's not found in the bible.
D Dog
Robert K Stock
Mimi Rogers and David Duchovny starred in a movie called, "The Rapture" They play a couple of swingers who get religion and alter their lives. Duchovny is killed at his job by a disgruntled employee and Rogers goes off into the desert to wait for Jesus. Just when you think these religious fanatics are as insane as Hollywood portrays them, the Rapture comes! If that were not shocking enough the ending had me gasping, oh... my... god!
Great movie
Mimi Rogers and David Duchovny starred in a movie called, "The Rapture" They play a couple of swingers who get religion and alter their lives. Duchovny is killed at his job by a disgruntled employee and Rogers goes off into the desert to wait for Jesus. Just when you think these religious fanatics are as insane as Hollywood portrays them, the Rapture comes! If that were not shocking enough the ending had me gasping, oh... my... god!
Great movie
The Rapture is one of the best films to deal with the spiritual that I have seen. I always wondered how a movie would protray everything in Bible as being true and...this movie does it well. I think its misunderstood in a lot of ways, however when I was watching it I could see Michael Tolkein actually holding christian fundamentalists to tasks by saying "well this is what you believe in the bible...what?!? you don't like it? well then!" Mimi Rogers' monologue after she gets stopped by a cop is one of the most well-acted scenes I have ever seen in a movie. Cult movie afficionado Danny Peary thought she should of won the Oscar that year for it. - Preston
Hehe, sounds interesting. Was w bush in it?
There is also a book series "end of days" that deal with the rapture. I'm about to launch into it (12 novels) Some delicious reading there.
For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise (anistemi; to stand up) first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up (harpazo; to seize) together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 1 Thess 4:15-17 (NKJV)
So...if the rapture isn't true then how does one explain this scripture?
welcome to JWD lois,
i personally explain that scripture as not so much an issue of interpretation, but that the whole bible itself is dubiously questionible regarding historicity and authenticity. therefore, historicity should be addressed first, and then rapture should the historicity not be found wanting. much easier that way!
my 2.5 cents worth...
cheers! -
I don't believe true Christians will be on earth during the tribulation except those chosen to stay who will need to lead non-believers to Christ. Those left behind will have many questions about what is happening on earth and they will need guidence from someone with knowledge of scripture. It will be their last chance for salvation...however it will cost them their life once they accept Christ. This is where the mark of the beast plays its role because most likely this mark will come into effect during the 7 year tribulation when the anti-Christ comes forth. Those not accepting the 666 mark in their forehead or right hand be slain...probably beheaded like John the Baptist.
The Mark Of The Beast... accept the Mark of the Beast will experience the full measure of ... 16 that the mark is to be placed in the foreheads ... Where does Yahweh place his Seal & Signature ... prophecy/mob.html - 35k - Cached - More from this site
There will be a 7 year peace treaty with Isreal, however it will be broken in 3 1/2 years...then there will be torment on earth such as never before and the anti-Christ will show his true colors. The two witnesses, Enoch and Elijah (most likely), shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days...Revelation 11:3-13.
Some view Enoch as a likely candidate for one of the two witnesses in that he never died before he was translated to be with God. This would, of course, be in line with the general rule of Hebrews 9:27: ?And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.? But we must remember that this is a general rule of Scripture and not necessarily binding to all of God?s Word. Many were resuscitated in the Old and New Testament only to die again (1 Kgs. 17:17-22; 2 Kgs. 4:32-35; 2 Kgs. 13:20, 21; Matt. 9:23-25; Luke 7:11-15; John 11:43, 44; Acts 9:36-40). In fact, there will be one generation of believers that will not experience death. They will be raptured out before the Antichrist arises and the tribulation hour begins (1 Thess. 4:16-17; 1 Cor. 15:51-52).
Elijah is the most likely of those so far as being one of the two witnesses. He was translated without dying (2 Kgs. 2:1-11), although we found that this wasn?t necessarily a criterion for being one of the two witnesses. He commanded the rain to be withheld for three and one-half years (1 Kgs. 17:1; Luke 4:25; James 5:17-18). He performed many miracles and was predicted to return before the day of the Lord to prepare the way for the Messiah?s coming (Mal. 3:1-3; 4:5-6).