Just got a brochure from Circuit Leasing. They're selling the brother's used Buicks. They'll even let you bid on a specific brother's vehicle, if you wish. You'll need to call ahead of time, however, to get your name on the list, first come, first serve. Anybody know how they're connected with the Head Honchos in NY? Surely the WTBTS must be getting their cut. How well do they do getting rid of all their products? They're selling their 2003 line up.
Boy Do I Want one of them Buicks
by prophecor 14 Replies latest social relationships
I contacted them a couple of years ago, and asked about their connection with the WTS, and they got very nasty, to the point of not answering my e-mails anymore. I was not rude, just simply asked. For all they knew, I could have been studying with the witnesses, or been a witness, and that was not called for.
They always talk about how friendly witnesses are, and by your actions, the world should be able to pick you out.
Well, not with this outfit.
johnny cip
i did some research on circuit leasing a few yeaqrs ago. it goes something like this. the wtbts. set up a legal car dealership. under the name circuit leasing. and is indirectly run by the wt .but a separate corp. circuit leasing, leases the cars to the wt. and the local cong 's of the co, do, etc. pay a direct charge for the lease payments. plus insurance. after the term of the lease is over . the car is returned to circuit leasing. and sold on the open market ( mostly to jw's) the wt or circuit leasing keeps the profits from the sale. and the cycle starts all over again. it's a pretty good scam . and i sure they are charging top interest. and own their owm insurance corp's. the sad part is bro. next to broke is taking the bus or driving a 73 pinto to the meetings. and paying for his task master's ride in a new park ave. john
Jonny Cip, am I to understand that it's all kept within the community, they own the car company who owns the insurance, they lease them to the brotherhood, the R&F keep the money flowing thru donations? They then turn them over again to make even more money thru selling them to the R&F. What kind of discount, or kickback is GM giving to the WTBTS for their services? This is an amazing organisation. One could almost see why the position is such a desireous one. New car, health coverage. This has got to be one of the most sought after jobs in the world of Witnesses.
Thats freakin crazy... I wonder how long 12 87 year old men who are obviously goody two shoes would last in jail... Is that illegal?
I'd buy one of their cars..as long as it doesnt come with that book-bag smell...
- Preston
Interesting. I was at a meeting a few weeks ago and counted 6 buick park avenues in the parking lot. I assume they belong to various elders. Are these off lease cars?
johnny cip
prophecor: that is pretty much it. anyone can buy a car dealership. if you have the $$$$$$ to back you. a leasing co. is even easier to get into. there was a lot of threads on circuit leasing a few years ago . and a lot of web sites about it. a dealer ship or leasing co. buys the cars from the factory. at (tissue) costs that every dealship pays for the car. ie. if the new buick msrp is $28k. all the dealers pay @$21K FOR THE CAR plus any rebates.or factory incentives. plus anyone can hold the note on a morgage. or loan. at anty rate up to 25% intrest. btw did you get one of them NO BLOOD KEY CHAINS from circuit leasing . they were giving them out a few years ago. john
Hey maybe you can help me out. If you get me some figures on these buicks, like model or msrp, and if anyone knows roughly how much the circuit leasing charges per month, and has a rough idea how much the sell the off lease car for we can figure out how much they are making.
This is probably one of the BEST cars EVER!
(scroll down when the page loads to see the tv commercial (it has sound too))-ithinkisee