yay i got relatives near my college

by tsunami_rid3r 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • tsunami_rid3r

    maybe i could stay with them? is that a good idea? my dad's cousin's daughter and i exchanged numbers so we can keep in touch. keep it on the "DL" but is it wrong if im attracted to her just a little bit? i mean just what should i do with her number since she lives an hour away?

  • under74

    uh, well...I guess it's natural if you're attracted to your cousin. BUT "relations" between family members are kinda frowned upon even if it's a second cousin...so I'd keep it at friends if I were you.

  • the_classicist

    Not that I'm Anglican, but according to the English Book of Common Prayer (1662):

    A Man may not marry his

    adopted daughter
    father's mother
    mother's mother
    son's daughter
    daughter's daughter
    wife's mother
    wife's daughter
    father's wife
    son's wife
    father's father's wife
    mother's father's wife
    wife's father's mother
    wife's mother's mother
    wife's daughter's daughter
    wife's son's daughter
    son's son's wife
    daughter's son's wife
    father's sister
    mother's sister
    brother's daughter
    sister's daughter

    According to the English, cousins are safe.

    As long as the family is non-JW, I see no problem with free-loading.

  • Satanus

    I don't see the problem. Heck, in the bible god's appoved servants married their own siters, for pete's sake. Sex w daughters ... need i go on. No really, i think that's far enough away as far as family ties go, and i'm not anglican, either.


    Ps, the nice thing about spending time w someone of a similar background as you is that you speak the same language, culturally speaking.

  • Sunspot


    According to that list---I guess Woody Allen has a problem!


    How do your relatives feel about staying with them? It's hard for us to answer that one on just what you've said in your post.

    A teeny bit of advice: don't sweat the small stuff kiddo, when you actually get into college you'll have all the chicks you can handle! It might be wise to stay away from even distant cousins for romance. Friendship? Sure. But romance? UH-UH. It would probably cause a ton of problems that you don't need or want.



  • tsunami_rid3r

    dammit its hard being friends with a hot girl. lol. well anything i should do with her over this summer to build anything like a friendship? i need some pointers. she wanted to exchange numbers for a reason..she asked me when i was moving down there.

    ps: i love you guys, i can talk about anything with yall.

  • under74

    Just hang out with her. Ask her to go to a movie or something to get the frienship going.Treat her like a sister...look out for her. She's family. OR in the least treat the her like you would any other friendship--guy or girl.

    I'm with Sunspot, getting TOO involved would cause unneeded problems whether it's acceptable for some or not.

  • the_classicist

    My advice, to be blunt and, hopefully, hilarious: Don't bang her if you're staying at her house; bad optics.

  • tsunami_rid3r

    i need an example of what i should do right now because im stupid at these things.

    she lives an hour and a half away from my house. im thinking she could really help me get adjusted down there when i move there. i still think i should stay in the dorms to get involved with the school but its also nice to know someone down there.

    so yea, can you tell me i should exactly do sometime soon during the summer?

  • under74

    Just contact her and say you're going to be going to college near where she lives and it'd be cool to hang out sometime (maybe have lunch this summer) because you don't know many people around there. And maybe she could show you around town. Just say what you just wrote about wanting to get adjusted to the knew surroundings.

    Dorms is probably the better choice but you're right in wqanting to know someone.Just contact her and tell her the situation...no harm in it.

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