Graduation is okay?

by Oxnard Hamster 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • minimus

    Yeah. That looks like Pokey the Pinata.

  • Lois

    My sister was a J.W. She is deceased now. She gave our mom a 'present' after her birthday passed. Mother told her it wasn't her birthday and was very upset because my sister wouldn't recognize it 'officially'. It's not that she thought she was owed this recognition on her birthday, but rather that my sister was doing this to stay in good graces I suppose and not because she was actually celebrating . It goes way beyond this...mother was mad because my sister wouldn't recognize any 'worldly' celebration which kept her away from family for years. Yea...she visited, but that was participation in Christmas, Easter, 4th of July, etc.

    Didn't the wise men offer gifts to Christ upon his birth? People in general don't put themselves above or on the same leval as Jesus. The celebration of a birthday is to delight in ones existance...a gift from God. Yes...there are those who feel they're owed something just because it's their birthday, but it's these individuals who fail to recognize the precious gift of life...they're only thinking is whether or not they will receive a gift.

  • EvilForce

    No, according to JW's there were no wise men. They were spies for Herod who was killing babies to avoid the prophesies from coming true.

  • Lois

    The Wise Men spies? This has to be one of the most ridiculous assumptions I have ever heard in my life!! When did JW's decide on this interpretation? They have to be the most paranoid 'teachers' of scripture to have come to this conclusion.It just like in their version of the Bible where words are taken out or added to scripture...they'll do or say what fits in their warped sense of direction.


    In John:1:1 it says: In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

    In the New World Translation it states..."and the Word was a God". Am I correct on this? There is only one God so how could this statement be true?

  • Glofishy

    I would think wedding anniversaries are ok because marriage is viewed as an institution and blessing from God (which I wholeheartedly believe too).

    Don't forget too...that Jesus is the ultimate guest you want at a cool party! He's the one that turned the water into the greatest, most potent, wine ever made! To paraphrase what he was told..."Usually the best wine is reserved to serve first, then when the guests get all wasted, you bring out the cheap stuff...but you saved the best for last!!" This was at the wedding he attended.

    I have a cool savior!

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