Star Wars, the Dubs, and religious delusion

by GetBusyLiving 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • GetBusyLiving

    I just watched the new Star Wars flick (awesome) and noticed a lot of parallel's in it with the jay-dub world view. A lot of my old witness friends are hard core fans, and I think that if they ever were to remember me and and make that spiritual connection in the movie, they would liken me to Aniken Skywalker falling to the dark side and becoming the evil sneering apostate, Darth Vadar. I probably would have thought something retarded like that when I was a dumb ass witness.

    Then I think that if I was an ex-dub turned Christian I could parallel the robo jobo's organization as turning apostate from Christianity and becoming Darth Vadar like from its inception. I would remember that they 'just don't get it' and feel as did the great Obi Wan Kanobi in his comment "Then you are truly lost".

    Now I just think it had great special effects and that Padme was hot.


  • RichieRich

    the back stabbing (jedi counsel), the entire senate being in one person's hands, the expendable droids....

    all have their parallels in the JW world.

    I thought that the whole freaking time...

  • RichieRich

    the back stabbing (jedi counsel), the entire senate being in one person's hands, the expendable droids....

    all have their parallels in the JW world.

    I thought that the whole freaking time...

  • GetBusyLiving

    I kept hoping to find a princess Leia in my old hall but one never transported. Okay now I'm sounding like a f**king trekkie.


  • tetrapod.sapien

    ya, it's typical for humans to visa versa the application to fit their world view. dubs see themselves as jedi, whereas we see ourselves as jedi. but you know, using movies as an illustration for the WTS life-style can really help wit's start to break apart their cognitive dissonance, if they are ready. it's a non psychologically-negative approach to exploring doubts. you could try talking like yoda the next time you talk doctrine with a wit, but using the current knowledge you have. they might get the picture, they might just think your have really lost it. lol.

  • GetBusyLiving

    The truth about the organization telling them I will! Cunning the dark side is. Do or do not, there is no...point in going to meetings.


  • Abaddon

    Hey, don't you realise at the back of every JW who is a Trekkie is a little fantasy that, after the Earth is a paradise, God will send man to the stars to boldly make paradises where no man has made paradises before. And that, maybe, just like with the Israelites, there will already be people living there, and if they do not welcome us with open arms, then we will finally get to SHOOT something and feel good about it at the same time.

    Mmm Mmm... get one of those Andoran captives as a concubine, ah! The Promised Land...

    ... and people think Islamic fundies are mad...

  • tetrapod.sapien

    : ... and people think Islamic fundies are mad...

    yes. fundie fantasies are nothing compared to the average JW post millenial fantasy. lol. on the other side of the coin (to keep the thread star based), if i knew that some life forms from another galaxy were on their way here to visit us, i would be more freaked by that idea than by the thought of wearing an american flag wraped around my head in pakistan. because, there can only be one reason why aliens would bother making the long trip to our backwater solar system: to proselytize their faith, convert OR die!

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    u beat me to it! i was gonna post about's ok though i definitely noticed the similarities. especially when anakin was sitting at that concert w/ senator palpatine and he asked him where he could learn the darkside, and the senator said, "not from a jedi."

    ooooo....shivers it made me think about everything that i wanted to know about the world...but i could never truly learn about it from a hardcore dub. but yeah...there were definitely parallells...

    luv, kitty

  • tsunami_rid3r

    im going to see that movie again. beats LotR anyday. seen it twice so far.

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