I just watched the new Star Wars flick (awesome) and noticed a lot of parallel's in it with the jay-dub world view. A lot of my old witness friends are hard core fans, and I think that if they ever were to remember me and and make that spiritual connection in the movie, they would liken me to Aniken Skywalker falling to the dark side and becoming the evil sneering apostate, Darth Vadar. I probably would have thought something retarded like that when I was a dumb ass witness.
Then I think that if I was an ex-dub turned Christian I could parallel the robo jobo's organization as turning apostate from Christianity and becoming Darth Vadar like from its inception. I would remember that they 'just don't get it' and feel as did the great Obi Wan Kanobi in his comment "Then you are truly lost".
Now I just think it had great special effects and that Padme was hot.