Who ya gonna call?? CULTBUSTERS!!!

by Junction-Guy 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Junction-Guy

    Well I got a phone call last night from a sweet little old lady who saw my flyer at her church. She tells me "Im at my wits end, and I dont know what to do" I asked her what the problem was and she went on to explain how her neighbor is forever more having bookstudies and holding field service meetings next door. Her neighbor is a JW and is most likely an Elder. She said the problem is that the JW's have been very inconsiderate to her and her neighbors and that they continually block people's driveways with their cars and that the street isnt wide enough for 2 cars parked side by side, and if there were a fire, the fire truck wouldnt be able to get through. She said they have blocked her driveway numerous times and she has politely asked them to no block her driveway. She said they have been very rude neighbors since the beginning and even wrote her a little nasty note. She says the whole neighborhood would love to see their meetings moved, but she dont know what to do. She said she and several others have called the Police over the last few years, but it doesnt help and they still end up blocking people's driveways.

    Well I told her "You know what? I just might have the solution" and then I went on to explain my past history with the WT Society and even told her about my picketing. She told me "You would be more than welcome to bring your picket signs and stand in my yard, bring all your friends too"

    I told her that after picketing there a couple of times, Im almost sure they will decide to move the bookstudy to a different location, I mean after all they wouldnt want their children reading my signs.

    I gave a very good anti-witness to her, and told her about everything from SilentLambs and several other issues.

    She told me "You know what I wouldnt be surprised if there was some kind of child molesting next door, the children just act so odd and withdrawn" I told her yes, that possible, but many children raised in that religion are withdrawn and depressed.

    She thanked me for calling her back, and just as soon as I get back from Ohio she wants me to come on a saturday morning and picket their field service meeting. LOL I cant wait

    When there's something strange in your neigborhood, who ya gonna call?? CULTBUSTERS!!!

    Who ya gonna call?? CULTBUSTERS!!!

    Sorry Undaunted Danny, I hope Im not plagiarizing you-LOL


  • candidlynuts

    reminds me of all the talks i've heard in the past 40 yrs about what " good neighbors" jw's are.. HA

    keep us informed.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    ya, that will be hilarious. might stir up some supressed doubts for some in the Book Study too. best luck, cheerio,

  • whyamihere

    Well Have fun!

    By teaching her the Real Truth may help more.


  • Sunspot
    She said the problem is that the JW's have been very inconsiderate to her and her neighbors and that they continually block people's driveways with their cars

    Isn't this illegal? If so, a phone call to the local police might be in order! (and could continue until the "problem" is cleared up)


  • sweet tee
    sweet tee

    You GO Cultbuster!!! Please give us an update.

    The police may not help the lady but I bet a tow truck would!!!

    Jehovah's loving people my arse!

  • kls

    LOL, pictures ,remember to take pictures,,,,You go JuntionGuy

  • rebel8

    Let's think of ideas for the picketing signs....

    "JWs violate law by blocking driveways"

    "JW cars knowingly blocking emergency vehicles"


    What about taking videos/photos and sending them to the press, along with an article saying the police won't take any action? What about taking out a full page ad in the newspaper writing about this? Just ideas for you.....

    BTW, police supervisors sometimes issue standing orders to their officers not to enforce parking laws around churches during their sessions. I wonder if that's what happened here.

    Of course, the police have no business allowing streets to be totally blocked, and people need to be able to exit their own driveways. I just wonder if the order has been issued and the dubs are abusing it.

  • nicolaou
    She told me "You know what I wouldnt be surprised if there was some kind of child molesting next door, the children just act so odd and withdrawn" I told her yes, that possible, but many children raised in that religion are withdrawn and depressed.

    Just be careful and watch your back - don't leave yourself open.

  • DannyHaszard

    GhostGo get em Cultbuster


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