Are you having a Good day or a Bad day?

by whyamihere 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Well..I tried to edit my post as it was way too long...but I guess it was too late..

    I just wanted to say I hope you're feeling better..

    Nothing worse than feeling crappy and not knowing why..

    I hope tomorrows a much better day for you!

    And Love yourself..........that helps a lot!

    Big hug..Snoozy..


  • Mamacat

    Thanks Brooke and Goldengirl...I am hoping everything turns out okay too. It seems being pregnant is just bad for my health this time around...I guess it's a good thing I already decided to have a tubal and be done. I've come to terms that I will be a mom of 4 boys and no girls.

    I had the diabetes last pregnancy too, and it was controlled enough with diet that I didn't need insulin. The doctor knew my history, so he told me to fast before it this time. It didn't help. They said it is as if my body didn't process hardly any of the sugar from that nasty drink at all, the number was extremely high. They are already talking about putting me on insulin and that scares me.

    Dh is not being too supportive either. I know he works a lot, but I think he could take a few minutes a day to try to take care of me or just ask how I am feeling. I've been trying to stay off my feet as much as possible, which is really hard with 3 other house is an absolute mess, and it is really starting to irritate him...and it bugs me too. He told me to just clean it all from top to bottom in one day and get it over with, but I just don't have the energy or strength to do that...and he doesn't understand. He was so happy about the baby, and now I don't know what is going on with him. He got home late from work and woke me up to ask me a stupid question...and now I can't get back to sleep.

  • Evanescence

    sounds like some of you experiance mood swings!

    Me and my mood swings? wooooooooooooo lets not go there.



  • Mary

    Well I'm FINALLY having a good day cause FINALLY the god damn sun is shining up here!!! I suffer BADLY from Seasonal Affective Disorder. Man, if I go more than 3 days and don't see the sun I start to get real was cloudy and cold and shitty here yesterday, although I guess I shouldn't bitch----after all it's only almost June!!

    I am getting annoyed at one of the secretaries in my office............she says she would really like it if people let her know by phone when we come back from lunch (she glances at me) if she has our phones forwarded to her--she snapped at me 2 weeks ago because she didn't like it when I called her to tell her I was leaving my desk because she wanted me to email her.

    WTF?? Is she mental?? Since when do the secretaries run the freaking office? I'd tell the bitch point blank that you'll PHONE her if you want to. Dumb stupid broad. God I hate people who go out of their way to make the office as miserable as possible.

  • LouBelle

    Brooke if you were here is S.Africa I'd take you out tonight girl, sit with you, chat, laugh and cry. It's not cool when one is having an absolute horrid day. I truly hope that the day gets better for you. Is there anything you can do right now that would make you smile ????? even for a moment??? Then DO it. Think happy thoughts, difficult but do-able.

    I'm having a great day - one can't help it when even when it's winter and the skies are blue outside and you're warm in bed and you wake up and say Thanks I get to live another glorious day.

  • xjwms


    May 26th, a better day today than yesterday. Thank you for asking

    I hope you are having a wonderful today. The sun is out.

  • blondie

    Yesterday stayed a good day. Went to Star Wars, had the theater to ourselves.

    Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman are no Luke Hamill or Carrie Fisher though but we had fun.

    Sunny days, summer, I always have mostly good days.


  • HadEnuf

    Brookie...NEVER EVER feel guilty about letting your husband/my son watch over the youngun's! You have sacrificed a whole lot for the band and for him and his schooling. Now that he is out of school for the summer...things should ease up and perhaps you can get out more. I do feel guilty for not being the kind of "gama gama" that I wanted to be to help you out. I just didn't, in my wildest dreams (which are never too wild, damn it), think that it would take so much energy to watch two little kids!! And you do it day in and day out.

    So let Austin watch the kids and feel no guilt. I mean, jeeeeeeeeeeeshhhh...they are his kids too (they are aren't they? HAHAHAHAHA)! I still think you need to look into some type of daycare for them if only one day a week. They would benefit with the association of kids their age and you could have the day to yourself.

    I see from this thread that many, MANY people love you!

    Big, BIG hug...mumsy

    P.S. GO BO!!

  • Dustin

    Brooke, I hope your day starts to go better. I'm doing O.K. today. Been stressed out at work, but I'm off the rest of the day and it's nice out. Whenever you're bummed out feel free to give me a call. You've got my number and I'll tell you some stupid story to make you laugh. That's what friends do. Tray and crack a smile.


  • Chia

    I'm having a stressful day. But work is almost over, and I may take a walk, but I know at some point I'm just going to go home and sleep. I need the rest.

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