Do you ever feel invisible?

by Sassy 121 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaffacake


    You probably know that so many of us get depressed, even those of us who were never a JW.

    So never think you are alone, even if people dont know what to say to you at times.

    Bring back chat!?

  • talesin

    Sass, sometimes it's easy to get lost in the currents of this busy place ... that's why it's good to start your own thread. I'm glad you did. Are you feeling any better now?

    Hey, blondie, yes, either persistent (if it seems worth it) or just don't bother wasting my breath ... hehe

    Thing is, we never know who may read our comment, who it may help, whether it gives someone an answer to a doctrinal question, or a much needed smile ...

    tetra , oh yes, I have noted the avatar thing ... my experiment was to have none for the longest time .. nor did I talk about my gender for the first while .. it was interesting.

  • jaffacake


    But how are you now?

  • kaykay_mp

    All the time. That's why I barely post here anymore. Considering what's been going on in my life lately: if people want to truly ignore me/try to walk all over me, SCREW 'EM. These kind of people are not worth my time and I'd rather seek out people who are positive and will support me no matter what I go through or how I feel, or they can seek me out. I found out that trying to please everyone has helped me hit rock bottom. But there's one good thing about hitting rock bottom: there's nowhere to go but up!

    Did you get my PM?



  • HadEnuf
    HadEnuf are certainly NOT invisible to me. Neither is my little Brookie or anyone else here. Many times I am tired or depressed myself, but it doesn't mean I don't read your threads or many others. I read but just don't have the energy to post a lot. I go in spurts. (Probably why I'm just a Jedi after being on this forum since 2001)!

    I was just telling my husband the other day that I felt that this forum, with people like you Sassy, really saved my life when I came out of the JW's and was shunned by my family and friends (the few I had). I had thought of suicide a few times...but knowing that there were others on this forum who shared my experiences and also were able to overcome their depression...gave me what I needed to keep on a going.

    So though you may at times feel invisible because perhaps many of us do not post on one of your really aren't. Because people read your's (or other's) posts and it makes them think and many times feel better because you are on this forum.

    Big hug...cathy l.

  • MerryMagdalene


    So sorry to hear what you went through and how passed over you felt...sorry you're feeling bad now...

    Sometimes when I feel that way --(although I've never actually attempted suicide)--but when I'm feeling lost and alone and unimportant, I can't help but think of all the other unknowns who must be feeling the same way at the same moment and my heart goes out to them and, mentally/emotionally, I embrace them all...and then I don't feel so alone anymore...


    And doogie, don't you and tetrapod be retreating into the shadows now in your own little clique...get out here and take your hugs like you got em comin to ya... (((doogie))) (((tetrapod)))

    (((anyone who needs one)))


  • luna2

    Like doogie, I sort of like being invisible...sometimes.

    Truly, I think everybody feels this way from time to time. I've noticed it in non-JW boards too, so I think its the nature of a message board.

    I had a blog too for a while that I'd post daily stuff in. It wasn't high drama or comedy, but you'd think that the friends on my list (I had the thing set for friends-only) would have something to say even if it was only Hi, but there were many days when they didn't make one comment. It made me feel so bad that I stopped posting to it. LOL I might start it up again only because I'm noticing here that whether people respond directly to something I've posted or not (and some have...Thank you!!), it's helping me to come to conclusions and work through things in a way I hadn't anticipated.

    I do read most threads and find that everybody has something interesting to contribute.

  • Amazing1914

    Hi Sassy,

    Sometimes I feel noticed and sometimes I don't. I have learned in six years of posting that we have ups and downs in the ex-JWs world just as we do in other things in life.

    You have a catchy and easy to remember screen name - Sassy. You have nearly 7,000 posts compared to my 459 under this screen name, and nearly 4,000 under my other screen name - Amazing. You have started 156 new threads to which you have gotten a lot of responses for the most part. That is, most of your posts show the "on fire" THREAD KILLER II (

    So, I can understand how you feel, because when I work hard on what I think is a great post, and it gets little attention, it makes me feel I worked for nothing. But, on average, most of my posts get good attention, including some I have done that got a lot of attention like your famous Killer thread. I just try to focus on posting what matters to me, do a good job, and let the chips fall where they may.

    Also, you have nearly 12 posts per day in just 19 months of posting. That beats most people. Be sure that you are noticed and that posters here love you and like your material. You are a good poster here ... so, get back to work, and start posting more good stuff. - Jim W.

  • Sassy

    I didn't mean to cause a fuss. Not sure why I even reacted that way.. sheesh..

    its so weird.. I thought I worked through my stuff three weeks ago.. I got past that awful night and been focusing on other things. Someone recently brought up feeling suicidal off this board and in sharing with her why I understood, I guess I opened up a wound I didn't think was there.

    You know how when we leave the WTS and IF a dub does ever talk to you, they ask , are you really happy out?? to which I say, ABSOLUTELY. and I sincerely mean it

    As a matter of fact I have felt so good that I haven't felt suicidal since leaving the WTS, its been refreshing.

    and this was stupid.. cuz I know I have had plenty of comments over time in many many threads.. many many wonderful people have touched me on this board over the time have been on it.. many whom I've been priviledged to meet in person too..

    I have no idea why I reacted the way I did this morning..

    I appreciate all of your comments.. I really do..

  • luna2

    Awww, Sassy. I've had those days too. Some days you just feel low and you react.

    Obviously this post struck a nerve with a lot of people, though, so it's all good.


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