Dedicate a Song...

by MerryMagdalene 17 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Mac


    you promised to dedicate 'Indiana Want's Me" to me..

    I'm suspecting all that starch has stiffened yer memory...


  • Markfromcali

    This one is dedicated to Andrea:

    Nothing Could be Separate
    by Steven Walters

    Rising with eastern light
    Still as the dew of the morning
    Fresh from a dreamless night
    Filled with a lovers longing
    How deeply the branches bough
    As deeply the rotos must be holding
    May I remember what I'm knowing right now
    As strong as the winds may be blowing

    Nothing, nothing could be separate from this
    Nothing, nothing could be separate from this
    Nothing at all

    Coffee from a paper cup
    So fine on this autumn day
    The sights and sounds I'm drinking up
    But it's in the silence that I stay
    Again I wonder how it could be that
    One hand moves all in grand design
    Yet under these blue skies I can so clearly see
    Even amidst the concrete and fast food signs

    Nothing, nothing could be separate from this
    Nothing, nothing could be separate from this
    Nothing at all

    Let life come
    I will find out what is changing
    I will find out what is real
    And I will find that place that is no place at all
    At the center of the center of
    The center of the wheel

    So I turn my collar to the wind
    And pray that I will remember
    What I know so clearly this day
    In northern California, late November

    Nothing, nothing could be separate from this
    No, nothing, nothing could be separate from this
    Nothing at all

  • FlyingHighNow

    I made a thread about this song last summer. It's on page one of my two pages of threads started by me.

    Nether Lands

    By Dan Fogelberg

    High on this mountain
    The clouds down below
    I'm feeling so strong and alive
    From this rocky perch
    I'll continue to search
    For the wind and the snow and the sky

    Oh I want a lover and I want some friends
    And I want to live in the sun
    And I want to do all the things that I never have done

    Sunny bright mornings and pale moonlit nights
    Keep me from feeling alone
    Now I'm learning to fly and this freedom is like
    Nothing that I've ever known
    Oh I've seen the bottom and I've been on top
    But mostly I've lived in between
    And where do you go when you get to the end of your dream

    Off in the Nether Lands I heard the sound
    Like the beating of heavenly wings
    And deep in my brain I can hear a refrain
    Of my soul as she rises and sings
    Anthems to glory and anthems to love
    And hymns filled with earthly delight
    Like the songs that the darkness composes to worship the light

    Once in a vision I came on some woods
    And stood at a fork in the road
    My choices were clear yet I froze with the fear
    Of not knowing which way to go
    Oh, one road was simple acceptance of life
    The other road offered sweet peace
    When I made my decision
    My vision became my release

    If you ever get the chance to listen to the song don't pass it up. It has an orchestral arrangement that will make your soul soar. The lyrics alone are beautiful and very moving.


  • steve2

    Hey people,

    What great lyrics and good hearts - especially reading them in the context of the shared but diverse experiences of the JWs.

  • JW83

    This one helped me a lot when I first left. 'Waiting' by Green Day: I've been waiting a long time for this moment to come I'm destined for anything .... at all Downtown lights will be shining on me like a new diamond ring out under the midnight hour no one can touch me now and I can't turn my back It's too late ready or not at all I'm so much closer than I have ever known ... wake up Dawning of a new era calling ... don't let it catch you falling ready or not at all so close enough to taste it almost ... I can embrace this feeling ... on the tip of my tongue I'm so much closer than I have ever known ... wake up better thank your lucky stars ... I've been waiting a lifetime for this moment to come I'm destined for anything at all Dumbstruck colour me stupid good luck you're gonna need it where I'm going if I get there ... at all ... wake up better thank your lucky stars ...

  • tijkmo
  • MerryMagdalene


    I used to listen to that song (and much of the album it was on) when I was a teen. You're right, it's really beautiful...Thanks for bringing it back to mind with the lyrics.


  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    Dedicated to all here.. Freebird by Lynard Skynard. Cause Im as free as bird now. And this bird will never change..

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