Well, after much prayerful thought and earnest research I have come to the conclusion that the WTS/ JW 's are just another religion. For me it was not only the UN but also all of the doctrine surrounding 1914. Thus if 1914 is wrong than there is no "Faithful and Discrete Slave", no "class" distinctions, etc. I'm not going to turn into a JW basher as some do when they leave - to each his own. My main motive was that I seek the truth and will continue to do so through research and Bible reading.
The funny thing is I truely feel liberated and realize that I am no longer under compulsion to go to meetings. Meeting here (or elsewhere) or talking with others that appreciate the bible and encourage research and clarity on matters is really all that is important. For by doing such things we are never really forsaking the gathering of ourselves. I would probably take the ultimate step of DA myself but realize that I have friends and family that I would like to keep associating with... which brings me to how I should deal with a good friend of mine.
I have a friend who lives out of state and occasionally visits me. Currently he is a MS and though he may not be a "holy roller" he is very serious about the "truth". Today he called and asked me when the summer assembly was as he wants to come down and visit. I beated around the bush since I have no clue, and told him I would call him in a couple days after I found out. Realistically I don't go to meetings, and probably never will. I had no intention of going to the assembly either. What should I do? Should I go and bite the bullet or tell him how I really feel and risk loosing a life time friend? The funny thing is its not like I am an "apostate" as I'm sure he would label me, but a seeker of truth. Lately, I feel like a heavy load has been lifted off my shoulders - through prayer, research, and study I have chosen the "light load" the Jesus spoke of...