Concerning Simplicity

by dunsscot 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    Fark, you're absolutely correct about the pompous windbag. I don't have a Ph.D. either, I only have an undergraduate degree in journalism - and nearly forty years experience. And I DO have a publisher for my forthcoming work, "MPD: When Your Partner Has Multiple Personality Disorder" [working title only]. I do know a thing or two about communicating effectively.

    Your writing is excellent on many accounts. The "writing" of Duns shows scant insight concerning effective communication, beginning with the fact that he is utterly innocent of any insight concerning the fact that in order to be heard, it's essential to have your reader's attention. The pompous windbag alienates his readers somewhere around halfway through his first sentence. For him to intone knowingly about simplicity is similar to the politician discussing ethics.

    FARKEL 21
    DUNS 0

    Who did you say the windbag really is?


    Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.

  • larc

    Hello Buckaroodies,

    Let us summarize the man that is Duns. He studies the philosophers that support the spirit driven, God given world only to lead us to the conclusion that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is God's organization. That, quite frankly, is quite a leap of faith. Of course, there are other philosophers, such as Bertrand Russell who would draw a far different conclusion with a much better grasp of the language then Duns could ever contemplate. Of course, Bertrand Russell had the advantage of a keen mind who could use average language to express important ideas.

    Now, when we go from the world of ideas to the world of people in their everyday lives, then Duns has only the stock answers provided for him by the legalistic system where he lives. Therefore, his answers, though more elegant, are no different than the typical appologist, e.g., "wait on Jehovah", "don't run ahead of the organization", they are "imperfect men."

    Now Duns does not like the world of people. That world is just too messy, with schizophrenia, serial killers, rapists, pedophiles, etc. He would rather correct my spelling than deal with important social issues. His mind is rich in ideas, but devoid of emotion.

  • waiting

    Hello Francoise,

    And I DO have a publisher for my forthcoming work, "MPD: When Your Partner Has Multiple Personality Disorder" [working title only]. I do know a thing or two about communicating effectively.

    How interesting. You've spoken with WoundedHeart where she said she had active mpd (on the thread she started about mpd/did.) I responded several times on that thread to her about also having mpd/did. I've been open about being diagnosed with the same, going on 10 years. However, you've never said a thing, to my knowledge, to either of us on where to get further information, clarification, newer medical studies done, etc.

    I'm not suggesting you should have put forth your work, as it's non-published currently. But you should, I am assuming, know of a multitude of other works - given this is your specific area of expertise.

    Not only that - mpd/did has taken a damned negative hit for years now, to the point that some survivors who either think, been told, or just feel they have it, remain silent - because they don't want to be ridiculed.

    It would have been nice, Francoise, if you would have lent a small helping hand.

    waiting - mpd/did

    ps: I'm also assuming that your finished title will reflect that the professional community has seen fit to rename us. That is, on the occasions that they deem we exist. On other occasions, they just say we're an imaginary friend kind of thing.

    It would have been nice, Francoise.

  • waiting
  • SixofNine
    His mind is rich in ideas, but devoid of emotion.

    So far, he hasn't really been sharing any ideas with us, only the often mismatched mishmash of words of other people.

  • waiting
  • logical

    Are you talking about Rolf Harris studying Hebrew?

  • waiting
  • julien
    Rolf is an accomplished linguist

    Is that like being a cunning linguist?

  • Englishman

    Simple Simon
    Met a pieman
    Going to the fair.

    Said simple Simon
    To the pieman
    What have you got there?

    Pies, you prick!


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

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