Anakin Skywalker vs. JW reaching Out

by Funchback 10 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Funchback

    I saw 'Revenge of the Sith' this past weekend. I couldn't help but find similarities of Anakin and young male JWs.

    In fact, I felt a lot like Anakin. He was appointed to the Jedi Counsel, however, he wasn't given the title of Jedi Master.

    When I was a JW, I was asked to do many things: Read the Watchtower on Sunday's. Give talks during the TMS. Read for the Book Study. Additionally, I went out in Field Service as often as possible.

    But, like Anakin, I was never appointed to a "titled" position, in my case as a Ministerial Servant. I could never understand why. This caused me to feel unworthy of Jehovah's love and mercy.

    As I am now nearly three years removed from the JWs, I see how incredibly stupid the whole "title" thing is in that religion. Really, you're appointed if that paricular body likes you. It's all political.

    Just venting. Thanks for listening.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    ya, totally. i think a lot of ex wits see some simalarities.

    we have been chatting about it over on this thread too:

    that's cool you see yourself as anakin going bad. it's all in the interpretation. i see us as jedi counsel here at JWD. but whatever. it's a sweet movie.

  • Funchback

    Thanks for the link tetrapod.sapien.

    I want to clarify that in NO WAY do I see myself as Anakin going bad.

    I am simply saying that the Jedi Counsel wouldn't give Anakin the title of 'Master' because they didn't trust him yet.

    Believe me, I feel like the JWs are the Dark Side...LOL!

  • SwordOfJah

    Talking to a Witness, this is what he told me:

    "I got the feeling that the Emperor was an apostate misleading another apostate-wannabe in Annakin. The scene where the Emperor is talking against the Jedi Masters, twisting things so that young Annakin starts doubting his former "friends". Just like Annakin was trying to be more powerful than the Jedi Masters, apostates want to replace the Governing Body by influencing their former brothers with the dark side."

    What do you think about that one?

  • LittleToe

    We aint no steenkin collective

    If there was some kind of hierarchy, you may have a point, SoJ, but as it is I think any such allusions are fear-induced imagination.

    Good to see you around, btw

  • EvilForce


    You didn't apply for / and get your Apostate Union Local 83 card yet? Are you a scab? Are you carrying on the apostacy without your union card?!? Next you are going to tell me that you are not using your " Hating Jehoba's Organization " book, or your " Apostates Guide to JW Conversation Stoppers "? L/T I'm ashamed to call you brother.


  • GetBusyLiving

    :What do you think about that one?

    I think that is exactly what a witness would think if they made the connection.

    Long time no read SOJ, where the heck have you been man?


  • toreador

    Good to see ya around SOJ. I wondered what happened to you. How is your health?


  • LittleToe

    ~suitably chastised~


    Do it again, do it again!!!!

  • Funchback


    Tell your "JW friend" that he/she shouldn't be seeing movies about people with "unnatural" powers (i.e., The Force), or, movies that speak of "chosen ones" (i.e., Annakin), or, movies that have souls that don't die (i.e., Annakin, Yoda, Obiwan...and, oh...the Liam Neeson character).

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