Did you know that many take the force as important as any religion. "More than 70,000 people in Australia say they follow the Jedi faith. Almost 40% of the population say they believe in The Force. Over 70,000 people wrote "Jedi" in response to a question about their religion on the recent national census form and the internet there is filled with emails urging its adoption as an official religion." Quote from http://www.unknowncountry.com/news/?id=4620
Star Wars Religion?
by skyman 14 Replies latest jw friends
zen nudist
G Lucas worked closely with Joseph Campbell, author of the HERO WTIH A THOUSAND FACES which is not unrelated to
THE PAGAN CHRISTS and THE GOLDEN BOUGH which showed how certain themes were found all over the planet, as parallels
to the same sort of story, the Jesus Myth be not very different from any of them.
the common themes were
Hero was semi-divine, having one divine parent
lived as a some what normal human, sometime having miraculous powers
was a teacher of men
had disciples
often brutally killed
sometime rises from the dead
names like Osiris, Tamuz, Apollo, Adonis, Bacchus, Hercules, Dionysius, Attis and many others.
Lol - yep Skyman - this was done in UK (census before last I think) - and if ''X amount'' (don't recall figure) of people put ''JEDI'' on census as religion it HAS to be registered as a religion - I PERSONALLY know 2 people that did!
zen nudist:
I believe most religions start out this way. There has to be a void that needs filled then the new religion quickly evolves
You guy's over the big blue sea are funny people but we like you guys.
Who knows, if there's money to be made from this, it just might happen.
Ah, but the Force within us all it is. Know you not yet this fact?
Reach out, young skyman, reach out, and the power of the Force feel you will ....
Why, I thought the Force was the power of the collective consciousness -- I feel it every day.
i read that a lot of the people who responded as such are agnostic types that see the entire excercise of religeous polling as vain. and chose that option as a statement. it's like writing "the invisible pink unicorn" in the "other" box.
but that said, there are quite a few treating it like a religion. i leave you with a yoda quote:
"You will find only what you bring in." - Yoda
I guess I'd have to put down Emperor . LOL
Nathan Natas
The Jedi Creed
I believe in the reality of the Force:
the ultimate source of universal power,
binding life to life throughout the infinite reaches of space.
All that is, lives, moves and has being
wholly within the sphere of the power of the Force.Alone, I am insignificant, yet I encompass all potential.
By talent and dedication I choose and am chosen
to wield the Force for the good of all beings;
to work for understanding and the brotherhood of the universe.In partnership with the Force, and with my fellow Jedi,
I will guide, defend and protect those who come to me,
each according to his needs,
allowing each to choose his path without interference.
I will share my knowledge willingly and truthfully;
reserving only such information as may confuse or mislead.
I will deal compassionately with my fellow beings at all times.The peace of all worlds is my charge;
Justice and freedom under just laws shall be the rights of all beings.
No threats or weakness shall turn me from my task.
I freely give my powers that no being need live in fear or oppression.This day I renew my pledge, and reaffirm my charge.
I do willingly hold myself apart from those things
which conflict with the duties I have taken as my own.
For the rest of my life, however long or short,
the Force will guide me;
and I will answer to that higher power in the end. -
LOL sorry i shoudlnt laugh but thats funny i had no idea es