Smoking and JWS
by gringojj 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I was wonderinf since the dubs ban smoking because its defiling your body, wouldnt eating foods that make you fat and eating too much food in general be defiling your body because it makes you more prone to health problems? I was just wondering because i see many obese dubs and there health is just at much at risk as a smoker because of thier habits.
I really don't think that smoking is too bad since Jehovah likes the smell of smoke. It has a soothing effect on him.
Haha gringo,
Here is an excerpt from my 13 page da letter.
You place additional heavy loads by claiming that smoking tobacco is an offense that displeases God so greatly that one should be removed and disavowed by the congregation over it. It is true that this is harmful to ones health, but not any more so than eating today's fat rich diet. Are you going to start disfellowshiping over that? Smoking is no more spiritism than eating a hamburger and French fries. Smoking should not be encouraged, just as a diet of fast food shouldn't be encouraged, but to remove people from this congregation for it is unchristian.
PS: Spirtism is the official reason for disfellowshipping for smoking---- Pharmakia
Wow IP_SEC I didn't know they looked at smoking as spiritism . Jeese the more I hang around here the more screwed up that religion looks . I know they claim that about incense and were trying to make people put signs up around their homes stating that the incense is not for spiritistic purposes or some such crappola . I do think smoking is a very bad habit though and finally I was able to beat it but to say it's spiritistic is just plain absurd . I know when I was smoking the last thing I would ever even think about is contacting the dead or whatever meaning the WTBTS puts on spiritism .
JW used to smoke - I remember smokers were given 6 months(?) to quit in the 1970s. New light? I suppose as WE begin to understand what is good and bad for our bodies then YES. BUT, as pointed out, we now understand what a healthy diet is - so MANY JW are abusing their bodies by not exercising self control in that area!
PS - is anyone going to mention H M Riley? lol
I remember when they made smoking a disfellowshipping issue. I had just started studying back in 1971 in March, and in the months following people were told they would have to quit smoking or be disfellowshipped if they didn't in a period of 6 months. There was a couple disfellowshipped because she just could not quit, and the husband did not want to remain a witness if his wife couldn't. My then husband had been a heavy smoker and quit to get baptized.
Smoking was considered pharmakia, and put one in touch with the demons. Even today my when my youngest son took up smoking they disfellowshipped him and his Dad told him he was in league with demons because of it. My son is 17 and alienated from his JW Dad. My oldest son smoked for a while too but thankfully quit. I think it is just bad for ones lungs and pocketbook.
So smoking cigarettes is equal to opening the door to the demons and Satan. Weird isn't it?
Just how are you supposed to be in touch with demonz ? What, is it the little demon voices telling you when you need a cigarette or something ? I know it was the american indians that first used tobacco in some pagan rituals , I think they believed that their prayers or something would ascend to the gods in the smoke .I don't know what the reasoning behind the WTBTS belief is nor have I ever used tobacco smoke in any sort of religious practice . Anybody know more please go ahead and post , now this oughta be insanely interesting .
They ridiculously lump smoking into pharmakia. According to the dubs, druggery (pharmakia) and spirtitism is closely linked as mind altering drugs were used to induce visions.
Anyone thinking logically would then assume drinking alcohol, taking vicoden, cipro or any other drug should be associated with spiritism. No? NO.
The WTS makes arbitrary rules to control folk. Thats all, there is no argument for it.
Are there any WT references that says smoking is a form of spiritism? I'd be interested in seeing those quotes.