If a jw has to turn in a time report each month then it seems like compulsion--When is it out of love that one goes out into service?
Turning in time reports monthly-
by JohnHag 11 Replies latest jw friends
Control is the name of the game...
Preaching the ''Good Word'' is out of ''Love'' - turning in the 'time reports' is answering to/justifying ourselves to men.
jt stumbler
Good point JohnHag! I was told by an elder that every "organization" has to have a way of examining progress. So I ask him, even though I am a good father and husband if I don't excell in field time Im not good enough?
Jehovah isn't a god of love, he is a god of numbers. Why else would he have shown us that 6000 years of human history ended in 1975, what a generation from 1914 is, how we arrive at the year 1914, and command Jesus to choose the "one true religion" in 1919?
Therefore, Jehovah doesn't want you to go door to door for love, he wants those numbers! He wants to see Watchtowers placed, the amount of time you spend going door to door, and attending his meetings for 5 hours a week.
So, we all know Jehovah gets down right pissed when we miss a meeting or bullshit on our monthly field service report.
m. kirov
hold on tight, the Governing Body will soon take a big dump of new light and tell 6,000,000 people prayer time needs to be counted (this way sheparding calls can be made).
and everyone will thank God that they have the Body as a high priest to give them spiritual food poisoning
There was new light given to one of the faithful slaves. Jehovah was tired of watching all the pubs to see if they were faithfully going door to door, now all he has to do is read the field service reports.
Ken P.
I think the single most important change in the WBTS teaching would be that since "you shall know them by the love they show each other" helping each other now counts as field service. THE most damaging thing about the cult, from my point of view, is that it enforces isolation not only from the "world" but from others in the congregation. If the WBTS encouraged you, as JWs to spend Saturday mornings helping each other build better lives (help with house projects, jointly doing things with children, planting community gardens to support better diets, etc.) how many of you would have left despite the crazy doctrine? I'd bet if JWs were encouraged to aim for 14 hours a month taking care of each other, a hour a month going door to door might actually get them some converts!
Preaching the ''Good Word'' is out of ''Love'' - turning in the 'time reports' is answering to/justifying ourselves to men.
This is so true no matter what scriptural support they throw at you such as "..god is a god not of disorder.." or "like cool water on the tongue, so is a report from a distant land.." or whatever that scripture says. At least the Jews wrote their own books to justify some of their customs and traditions instead of perverting the bible to do it... Geez!! Many of them lie about their time anyway. I am the secretary and sometimes they will forget that they put their report in the box at the hall so they will hand in another one to me or their Bookstudy Overseer with completely different figures on it. Not all of them do this but some do so I can only imagine that more do it but are smart enough to remember not to submit 2 of them. Its so ridiculous... Love for god would not prompt you to lie but justifying yourself to men would. The whole system is a sham!
"you shall know them by the love they show each other" helping each other now counts as field service.
And werent we also told to give aid etc in secret. You cant measure love in this way. If they want to monitor progress, why dont they do it the way the first century Christians did in the Book of Acts?