Rat, you just keep gettin' better and better!!!
Please go easy on the Watchtower...
by JH 44 Replies latest jw friends
Rat Rat Rat you are such a Brat.
Monkey too belongs in the zoo.
And the two of you forgot Orangefatcat who is your friend and I don't get included in the service mobile ? What kind of friends are you?? Tsk tsk. My feelings are hurt.
I will not go easy on the Watchtower, they didn't go easy on me they prosecuted me. Dirty rotten scoundrels. Snakes in the grass, scum on a pond, etc etc etd.
How on earth are we ever going to convert six million JWS from the clutches of the cult.?
We need to have a major convention of our own and show the WTS that we a strong group and at least we will all have true genuine love for one another. Wouldn't that be great. Oh I would love to have a major convention. And we could have a baptism and show that we are true examples of mercy. Belief in God isn't necessary but the baptism could be a baptizm of freedom and new beginning. That would be so cool and we would have great speakers like Blondie and Minimus, Mary, oh hell we could all be a participant at the meeting. Tell our stories, tell our horrors, silentlambs, Bill Bowen, the Andersons, Holly, and all the rest of us and show how we have become a strong voice against a hypocritical organization. Who would go to such a gathering.?? INput please. Just the thought of having something like this makes me feel warm all over. Any suggestion and more input....
Love Orangefatcat
And the two of you forgot Orangefatcat who is your friend and I don't get included in the service mobile ? What kind of friends are you?? Tsk tsk. My feelings are hurt.
Hi OFC , Orangefatcats where it's at.
Me love you too MOnKey MOuse, oops I mean stinky poo monkey doo...
with out you my life wouldn't be complete.
Oh by the way RAT I am making a photo album of all the friends on JWD and if you are inclined to I would be very grateful if you'd sent me a photo of you and yours so I can include them in my scrapbook. No it is not an online scrapbook and anyone else if you would like to send my your pics I will add them to my memorable JWD Scrapbook.
Love Orangefatcat.here a picture of my when I was a little kid.. aren't I cute....?????
Oh OFC my dear who has cat smell coming from her rear I can do that . This summer i will take lots of pics and send them to you for you to admire.
Oh OFC my dear who has cat smell coming from her rearOh OFC my dear who has cat smell coming from her rear
You dear dear monkey you are by far the most dispicable rotten MOnkey on this forum. I stick my tongue out a you and say , MONKEY your a monster and tonight when you go to bed beware because under your blankets you will find all my kitty litter all over the place so there. PUt that in your Pipe and smoke it. I happen to have a cute rear and am the envy of every cat in the neighbourhood. You can even ask me beloved BRummie. He is my hero. YOu are a battle axe!! You poo and drool and pick your nose and turn people off by your smelly furry body. yuck At least I am aloveable puddy cat and people love to stroke me and my beautiful fur...so there. Where oh where are my supporters. I need a cheering section.one two three four who are we for.
Orangefatcat Orangefatcat hooray!!!
hi everyone
Hi Sweetsevda, how is you
This thread took a funny turn...
roflmao go 4 it Jh